Auto forward alert




I need to setup a rules that forward a custom mail when a specific mailbox
receive a new mail.
Typically, when A receive an email, I want to send a message to B and C that
a new mail has arrived on A and they need to connect to this mailbox to
answer the mail.
It is for a support mailbox and we don't want to see a different mail
address has A.

I hope it is clear and someone can help me on this user issue

F. H. Muffman

Cab said:
I need to setup a rules that forward a custom mail when a specific mailbox
receive a new mail.

What part of the rule are you having problems with? What does the rule
read right now? What version of Outlook and Exchange are you running? It
may not strictly be possible to forward a custom message, as that is likely
going to be a client side rule, but I don't have an Exchange server handy to


Thanks for your help.

We are running Exchange 2003, outlook 2003.
I do not find any rule that allow to forward a message to a different user.
I have tried to create a rule that display a message but it is dispayed on
the client screen, not on the other user screen.


F. H. Muffman

Cab said:
We are running Exchange 2003, outlook 2003.
I do not find any rule that allow to forward a message to a different
I have tried to create a rule that display a message but it is dispayed on
the client screen, not on the other user screen.

Yep, looking at the rules on an Exchange account, I don't believe there is a
way to forward a *custom* message using a Rule.

Now, if you're not afraid of programming, and you have approval of an IT
department, on the Exchange side, you could always put in a sink to look for
messages incoming to that email address and send a message to other users
when that happens, otherwise, I'd just forward the actual message and assume
that the people I've designated the proper people to monitor that mailbox
are smart enough to remember the training that said 'When you get these
messages, you need to check that mailbox.'

Actually, scratch that, I wouldn't even set up a rule. The people
responsible for monitoring the mailbox would add that support mailbox to
their profile (on the advanced tab of the Exchange server service) and would
be told 'It is your responsibility to monitor this mailbox X times a day.'
No need for a rule, just training.

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