audio notification of spelling errors


Dean Martineau

I'd love to find a writing environment where the computer would give
forth a beep, probably user-definable, whenever a word is typed that
the program believes to be misspelled. this could take the form of a
freely-available macro for Word or some other existing system, or some
freeware program that has this feature. I am aware of free add-ons to
Word and Notetab which make sounds when an autocorrect action takes
place, and those are not what I'm seeking. I want simply to be
notified when an error has been made.



Bill Day

I'd love to find a writing environment where the computer would give
forth a beep, probably user-definable, whenever a word is typed that
the program believes to be misspelled. this could take the form of a
freely-available macro for Word or some other existing system, or some
freeware program that has this feature. I am aware of free add-ons to
Word and Notetab which make sounds when an autocorrect action takes
place, and those are not what I'm seeking. I want simply to be
notified when an error has been made.


the only one I have seen that works that way is Tiny Spell

it really works......


I'd love to find a writing environment where the computer would give
forth a beep, probably user-definable, whenever a word is typed that
the program believes to be misspelled. this could take the form of a
freely-available macro for Word or some other existing system, or some
freeware program that has this feature. I am aware of free add-ons to
Word and Notetab which make sounds when an autocorrect action takes
place, and those are not what I'm seeking. I want simply to be
notified when an error has been made.



As-U-Type ( does that. It beeps on any mistake that
you may make and optionally underlines it as well. Though it's not

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