Attribute being escaped


CJ Taylor

Hey Everyone,

I'm trying to add a javascript popup function to my site so I just make one
function call... here is the function (feel free to use it if you want as

Public Shared Function BuildPopup(ByRef pControl As WebControl, _

ByVal pTarget As String, _

ByVal pWidth As Integer, _

ByVal pHeight As Integer, _

Optional ByVal pWindowName As String = "popup", _

Optional ByVal pParameters As Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection =
Nothing, _

Optional ByVal pShowScrollbars As Boolean = False, _

Optional ByVal pAllowResize As Boolean = True, _

Optional ByVal pToolbar As Boolean = False, _

Optional ByVal pLocation As Boolean = False, _

Optional ByVal pMenubar As Boolean = False, _

Optional ByVal [Event] As String = "onclick")

Dim oOpenString As String

Dim oParameter As String

Dim iCount As Integer = 0

oOpenString = "'" & pTarget

'add parameters

If Not pParameters Is Nothing Then

For Each oParameter In pParameters.Keys

If iCount = 0 Then

oOpenString += "?"


oOpenString += "&"

End If

oOpenString += oParameter & "="

oOpenString += pControl.Page.Server.HtmlEncode(pParameters(oParameter))

iCount += 1


End If

oOpenString += "','" & pWindowName & "','"

'build the features

oOpenString += "width=" & pWidth & ",height=" & pHeight

oOpenString += "," & IIf(pShowScrollbars, "scrollbars=yes", "scrollbars=no")

oOpenString += "," & IIf(pAllowResize, "resize=yes", "resize=no")

oOpenString += "," & IIf(pMenubar, "menubar=yes", "menubar=no")

oOpenString += "," & IIf(pToolbar, "toolbar=yes", "toolbar=no")

oOpenString += "," & IIf(pLocation, "location=yes", "location=no")

oOpenString += "');"

pControl.Attributes.Add([Event], oOpenString)


the problem is... when it renders.. the Parameters are being added correctly
however when its rendered the & for the variable split is coming out &

such that ...

How would I fix this?



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