Attachments in Outlook XP



I'm comfortable with the way attachments were displayes/arranged in Outlook
2000 than XP (in a tray at the lower corner of the mail window, rather that
embeded just below the address bar above the message in Xp). the comfort in
outlook2000 is that i used to select all the attachments say .jpg files at
once and open them with one press of enter, but here in XP i need to select
each file and press enter/click.

Would appreciate if someone could help me on this.

Brian Tillman

Naji said:
I'm comfortable with the way attachments were displayes/arranged in
Outlook 2000 than XP (in a tray at the lower corner of the mail
window, rather that embeded just below the address bar above the
message in Xp).

If you compose your message in Rich Text format and include an attachment,
the attachment will appear within the body of the message. If you compose
in HTML or Plain Text, the attachment will appear on a line between the
subject and body.
the comfort in outlook2000 is that i used to select
all the attachments say .jpg files at once and open them with one
press of enter, but here in XP i need to select each file and press

See if this helps:

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