ATI (Under AMD) - Has Lost Perspective - "Of Who Their Clients Are" !!!



You are a lying sack of shit. I've called literally dozens, probably
over a hundred times at work, at all hours, and have never, ever, even
once waited more than a minute, literally a minute. I have also asked
several people is the same situation as I am in and every one has said
the exact same thing. ou are plainly and simply lying, and you're not
very good at it. Go cry to someone that will believe your bullshit, liar.

You call over a hundred times and it doesn't occur to you that
you're an idiot jumping through hoops ?


I have a copy of windows 2k pro, and it is more like an advanced version of
Windows ME to is completely different to XP! I have owned Windows
95, 98, Me, 2k, XP and now's called moving with the times...

Or being so stooopid you can't think fer yerself. Moron


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