Async Socket.BeginReceive triggers SocketException 10054: "An existing connection was forcibly close


Peter Vrenken

Hello everyone,

I am stuck with the following problem.
The network infrastructure i am implementing works on my local network using
the ip range
The network is connected to the internet using a router which is instructed
to route all traffic to my desktop pc.
When i ask a friend (which is on another network, but also connected to the
internet to connect to my extern ip, my listening application gets an
connection attemp which i nicely endAccept().
When i attemp to start receiving data by calling the socket's BeginReceive
method i get an SocketException stating that the connection was forcibly
closed by the remote host (10054).
So far i was unable to locate a source with information i could use, but i
guess there must be people out there that have had the same problem as i

Thanks in advance and greetings from the Netherlands....

Peter Vrenken.

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