Associate file type with program


Ramesh, MS-MVP

Glad you got it resolved, Wilbour.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

Windows XP Troubleshooting

Wilbour said:
Hi again Ramesh,

Sorry for the delay. I did learn about ERUNT, and did the backup. It
to be a very good tool to have.

I changed the CLSID to {CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000}, as I
understood you suggested. It resulted in that IE did not launch "PDF
Converter 3", and tried to open Acrobat 4, but failed. Instead I got two
error messages:

Could not launch Acrobat
An internal error has occurred

I then tried your alternative suggestion, and just re-installed Acrobat 4.
That solved the problem.

I had hoped our exercise would have taught me how to do it some other way,
but at least I learnt one way to do it. I of course also learnt about a
other things like ERUNT.

Thank you for all your help


Ramesh said:
Acrobat Reader 4 sets the CLSID to {CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000}

And creates this REG setting.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 4.0\\Reader\\AcroRd32.exe\""


If this setting does not help in your case, see if reinstalling Acrobat
Reader 4 (on top) helps. Before that do a complete backup of the

[ERUNT] Registry Backup and Restore for Windows

[ERUNT Download URLs]

[Installing & Using ERUNT]

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