assignment redundancy check



i am doing work schedule assignment for my group of 18 people on excel.
i sometime assign one person to two different posts by mistake. what is the
best way to check for redundancy?

the excel file looks as following"

( day) 1 2 3 4 ....... 31
Jan position 1 Mr. A Mr. B Mr. C Mr. D
position 2 Mr. B Mr. C Mr. D Mr. E
position 3 Mr. C ......


Hi, james;
One way: select the cell at day 1, position 2. If that cell is, say, C3,
then Format> Conditional Formatting> Fomula is: =COUNTIF(C$2:C2,C3)>0
Choose yellow or some other color for your conditional format, and then fill
that format down and across to day 31, position 18. Your duplicates will show
in yellow or whatever othe color you chose.

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