assigning value to control when form opens



Hi all
I have a form that is used to edit "events" the form has a combo box
to select the date and the onupdate event shows all events for that
day in a subform. Clicking on the event opens the "eventfrm" to that
event where it can be edited.
I want to add a cmd button to the form so that the user can add a new
event to that day if it does not already exist. I put a button on the
form with the following code.
Private Sub AddeventBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_addeventbtn_Click
Dim dt As Date
dt = Me.SelDateCB
DoCmd.OpenForm "eventfrm", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, , dt
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_addeventbtn_Click
End Sub
eventfrm has the following code in the onopen event;
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.dateTB = Me.OpenArgs
End If
End Sub
I get an error that "you can't assign a value to this object"
error message and the Me.datetb= me.openargs is highlighted.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks BRC

Douglas J. Steele

Try moving your code to the form's Load event. The Open event is too soon:
the controls haven't been properly instantiated yet.


Try moving your code to the form's Load event. The Open event is too soon:
the controls haven't been properly instantiated yet.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVPhttp://I.Am/DougSteele
(no private e-mails, please)

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Thanks for the input. I ended up moving it to Current event. and it
seems to work as i wanted. the load event didn't cause any errors but
did not assign the correct value to the new event. thanks again.

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