Assigning global macro to keyboard shortcut in Excel 2003



I hope you all can help me out! I've spent a few hours (this time)
trying to figure out how to:
1. Make a macro available in all spreadsheets that I create or open
2. Bind this macro to a keyboard shortcut.
I had this running with an older version of office, but after
upgrading, I just can't make it happen again.

Here's where I am:
- Deleted all personal.xla and personal.xls files
- Recorded a keyboard macro to recreate personal.xls in the right
- Unhid personal.xls so that I could work with it.
- Opened personal.xls, went to the VB editor, and pasted in the macro
I want, "OpenSCR"
- Saved personal.xls, exited excel, restarted.
- Went to Tools->Macro...->Macros
- Selected my OpenSCR Macro
- The darn Options... button is disabled, so I can't bind it to a key.
I've tried various combinations of hiding and unhiding personal.xls,
but I just can't get the thing enabled!

I'd really appreciate any ideas or suggestions.



Hi Bob;

I believe if you'll do it all as just a regular Excel file
including the assigning of the macro as keyboard short
cuts, save the file and then go to Windows Explorer and
replace the exising one it should work.


Dave Peterson

I'm not sure why your Options isn't enabled, but maybe you can do the same thing
in code:

sub auto_open()
Application.MacroOptions Macro:=ThisWorkbook.Name & "!OpenSCR", _
HasShortcutKey:=True, ShortcutKey:="Z"
end sub

Did you make sure you enabled macros/and macro security isn't set to High???

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