Assigning a macro to a button



I under the impression that when I created a button on a worksheet,
that a dialog box would appear asking me to choose a macro to assign
to the button. This does not happen even though I have macros
available in the open workbook as well as in personal.xls. How do I
assign the macro to the button?

Bob I

When you create the macro you are asked that question. Otherwise you
need to go to Tools, Customize, and then R-click the button and pick
Assign macro.

Peo Sjoblom

What kind of button, if you use one from the forms toolbar you will be
prompted as soon as you release the mouse after dragging it to the sheet? If
you use one from the control toolbox you need to right click the button and
select view code, then put you code there



Peo Sjoblom

Bob I

Peo said:
What kind of button, if you use one from the forms toolbar you will be
prompted as soon as you release the mouse after dragging it to the sheet? If
you use one from the control toolbox you need to right click the button and
select view code, then put you code there
Oh, I was thinking he meant the buttons on the toolbars!

Peo Sjoblom

Oh, I was thinking he meant the buttons on the toolbars!

Only the OP can tell, at least he has answers now that should cover
whichever it is



Peo Sjoblom


I under the impression that when I created a button on a worksheet,
that a dialog box would appear asking me to choose a macro to assign
to the button. This does not happen even though I have macros
available in the open workbook as well as in personal.xls. How do I
assign the macro to the button?

Thanks for the help. I was unaware that there were 2 ways to program
a button. I'll use the forms verson.

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