Assign values to specific Text Boxes



Hi ~

I've been going through the archives and I can't seem to find a
solution for my problem. I have created a form ("UserForm1") that
consists of 16 text boxes, 7 labels, and 4 check boxes. I've created a
process that will populate the 16 text boxes, but I have to
individually call out each of the 16 text boxes to populate data. ex.
UserForm1.txtTextBox1.Value = "blah" and so on. Is there an easier way
to do it? I only want to search for the text boxes and then populate
them w/ my data. I'm trying to make my code as generic as possible and
I'm not sure how to accomplish that. I'm a newbie at VBA so it's
taking a while to get a handle on it. So, here are my questions:
1. Is it possible to loop through each of the text boxes and populate
them with data? For example, "For Each <TextBox> in
2. Also, is there a way to pass an array pointing to a particular text
box? Or, instead of typing the exact reference of the txtTextBox, can
I pass the reference as a paramater? For example, I would like to have
the value of "blah5" in UserForm1.txtTextBox5.Value.
This is what I have so far....
Dim myTextBox as TextBox
Dim myFormCtrl as Control

For each myFormCtrl in UserForm1.Controls
If TypeName(myFormCtrl) = "TextBox" Then
<What do I do here?>
End If

I hope that I've explained the problem for you. Any help that you
could provide would be very much appreciated.

Chip Pearson

You could use code like

Dim Ctrl As MSForms.Control
For Each Ctrl In Userform1.Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
' do something with Ctrl
End If
Next Ctrl

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email address is on the web site)


Hi guys ~

thanks so much for all your help. I ended up going with Jon Peltier's
suggestion. Thanks to everyone to responded. I really appreciate the
help. My code works fine now.

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