Assign Macro to a Menu Item using code



I have seen .OnAction such as:
Item2Sub2.OnAction = "ShowMessage"


How do I "Assign Macro" to a Menu Item in code?

Thank you,


Stephen Newman

This works for me.

With Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Add(Temporary:=True)
.Caption = "Your Caption" 'Name the button
.OnAction = "YourModule.YourCode" 'Point to the code you want
to run
.FaceId = 1089 'Adds an icon
End With


But it does not show up under the "Assign Macro" of the menu item. I want to
set it up to point to a macro in a different file just as if I had manually
gone to View / Toolbars / Customize and right clicked on the created Menu
Item and gone to "Assign Macro". I can attach a Macro from any file there
but I dont see how you do that from code.


My error:
on the .OnAction you can call a macro from another file just as if you did
it manually. The only difference is that you do not see the macro under the
"Assign Macro". WOW ... That just made my Friday !!!!!!

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