aspNetEmail with


yew chong


Not sure if this is the right place to post this. Anyway, currently am
using MCMS (Microsoft Content Management Server) and Asp.Net to program
my application. My program needs to send emails, and I am using
aspNetEmail as the third party software to help me handle the sending
of emails.

Now, the weird thing is this. My users will attach their emails with
attachments, either from the resource gallery or from their own local
machine. Everything is working fine, and I am able to send out emails
together with the attachment as well. Funny thing is when users open up
the email with outlook and close it, they are prompted with "Do you
want to save changes?" message, when they have not even open up any
attachments for editing.

Selecting "no", they will exit like normal, and the prompt comes back
the next time they try to open and close the mail message again.

Whereas when they select "yes", seems like email message is saved in
local machine. Also, the paperclip icon in Outlook preview is missing
after they click on yes. Also, they will not get the prompt the next
time. Anyone happen to face this problem before? Ultimately, I do not
want the users to get the prompt. Please advice. Thanks!

Yew Chong

Chris Kennedy

Try emailing Dave from Advanced Intellect who make the software. He's been
very helpful with me.

Mark Fitzpatrick

The prompt for saving changes in Outlook has nothing to do with attachments
and refers to the actual email itself, not any attached resources. Do you
have any external links in the email? Things such as graphics or
stylesheets? If so, then when the user tells Outlook to view these external
items they will be prompted to save changes when they close the email. Once
they click yes they will never get this prompt again as Outlook has saved
the preferences for this document and the images. I don't think this
actually has anything to do with you as it is how itself behaves.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

yew chong

Hi Mark,

I think you have pointed out a valid point there. Actually I have
another question in mind. When I attach a local attachment to an email,
how do I do the referencing? For example I have a hyperlink that refers
to an attachment, do I do the referencing as below?

<a href="somefile.xls">Somefilename</a>
and then attach somefile.xls to the email?

Yew Chong

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