"aspnet_wp.exe could not be started"- Error code 80070545



In the Event Viewer I've been getting this error when I try to run an
already-made web application: "aspnet_wp.exe could not be started. The error
code for the failure is 80070545. This error...".
I've tried all the possible solutions in
"http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;811320" and ran
"aspnet_regiis.exe -i", but I still get the error.
I also have VS 2005 v2.0 installed (I installed VS 2003 after 2005
specifically for this web app). Could this be a problem?


Juan T. Llibre

(I installed VS 2003 after 2005 specifically for this web app). Could this be a problem?

Th *only* problems I have seen with vs 2003 and vs 2005 running side-by-side
have been reported when vs 2003 has been installed after vs 2005.

Even if the versions can coexist, the documentations seldom can coexist,
if 2005 was installed after 2003.

I'd uninstall them both; uninstall their respective .net frameworks ( 1.1 and 2.0 );
reboot; reinstall the .net framework 1.1 and vs 2003 ( including the docs );
and then reinstall the .net framework 2.0 and vs 2005...all in that order.

You should be good to go after doing that.

Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP
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asp.net faq : http://asp.net.do/faq/
foros de asp.net, en español : http://asp.net.do/foros/

Jeff Dillon

Look in Event Log. What user account context is this process running under?
Perhaps the password is incorrect or has been changed recently.


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