ASP textbox not returning client-side changed value



Hi all,

I've an interesting problem in that when I set my textbox enabled property
to true and run my app and a Javascript function updates it, I can access
the changed data server-side and it is correct. The moment I changed either
the enabled property to false or the readonly property to true, the change
is not reflected upon postback.

The workaround for me is that firstly I leave the textbox as editable and in
it's client-side "onchange", I recalc the value since the textbox in
question is a calculated field.

Surely there's a better way to go about this!!!???



Hi John,

This may not be a Better way, but it's Another way: You could have the
Javascript function update a hidden <input> in addition to the read only
textbox; then read hidden <input> value on PostBack.


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