ASP.NET with Apache



Hi all!

I just got to work on apache, with mod_aspdotnet :))

..NET 1.1 works directly without any serious problem.

..NET 2.0.40903 (october preview):

1."C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.40903" must be added into
apache's path, otherwise apache can't find aspnet_isapi.dll

2.The "Src" attribute in @Page and @Control may cause a weird
compilation error ("type .... defined in an assembly that is not
referenced"). However compiled code-behind works well.

Chris Waldron via

Were you able to get it running rooted. So far I've only been able to get it running as a subdirectory. Example

http://site.local/AspDotNetApp works


http://site.local fails

This is very frustrating because I have several ASP.NET sites that I want to run rooted and not as some subdirectory off of the virtual directory.


Aquila Deus

Chris said:
Were you able to get it running rooted. So far I've only been able
to get it running as a subdirectory. Example
http://site.local/AspDotNetApp works


http://site.local fails

This is very frustrating because I have several ASP.NET sites that I
want to run rooted and not as some subdirectory off of the virtual

I redirect all access to / to /Main

Personally I think direct access to root web app is weird because there
are other web-app dirs under it.

Chris Waldron via

Different strokes for different folks. The configuration here is to have separate distinct multiple sites running on the same machine from its virtual root path. A little know web server called CassiniEx profess to do this. And this can be done on Windows Server 2003 (but not on 2000). Fortunately I'm able to get Windows Server 2003 at a greatly reduced price and I've decided use that. I would have rather used Apache since Apache can do this but unfortunately not for ASP.NET.

I hope this changes in the future becuase I perfer a migration path to Linux but having the CassiniEx source I could port that code to Linux as well and fix the inconsistancies I'm currently experiencing with the software.

I don't see why I have to do a redirect when there is no technical reason why I can have rooted multiple web sites running in a single machine.


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