web application project problems



I have a web application that I was developing outside of a project, but
I find I need to use it as a project so that I can debug the code. I
tried just creating a new project and copying all the files from the web
folder to the project folder. None of the controls are recognized and I
get a "does not exist in current context" even though I added all the
files to the project. What am I doing wrong?



Z.K. said:
I have a web application that I was developing outside of a project, but
I find I need to use it as a project so that I can debug the code. I
tried just creating a new project and copying all the files from the web
folder to the project folder. None of the controls are recognized and I
get a "does not exist in current context" even though I added all the
files to the project. What am I doing wrong?


Never mind. I figured it out. I just clicked on convert to web
application and it set everything up for me. The only weird thing is
that I had a App_Code folder and it rename it to Old_App_Code though it
still seems to using the code in that folder.


Alexey Smirnov

The only weird thing is
that I had a App_Code folder and it rename it to Old_App_Code though it
still seems to using the code in that folder.

This is because ASP.NET 2.0 tries to dynamically compile any classes
it finds under the /App_Code directory of an application at runtime,
you explictly *DO NOT* want to store classes that you compile as part
of your VS 2005 Web Application Project under an "app_code" folder. If
you do this, then the class will get compiled twice -- once as part of
the VS 2005 Web Application Project assembly, and then again at
runtime by ASP.NET.

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