page timing out sooner than expected



we have a website built using .Net Framework 2 and Visual Studio
2005 Beta 2. It has a session timeout setting of 20 minutes of
inactivity, set in the web.config. But some of our users are timing out
sooner than 20 minutes (5 minutes even). Any idea why this may be
happening to some but not others and what we can do to fix it?

Andy Fish

If you're using IIS6 (i.e. windows 2003) check the worker process idle
timeout setting. this causes the whole application to unload after a
specified idle period.

start iis manager
select application pools
performance tab
top section "idle timeout"

default is 20 mins but if it has been reduced it could account for your

while you're there, also check the worker process recycling. this unloads
the application at specified intervals even if users are actively using it.
I always disable this.



thanks andy, but we've already checked these settings. Also settings for
worker process memory limits. Its not all the users that are facing this
issue, its only a few and they don't seem to have anything in common.

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