ASP .NET on Win 2003 Standard + Domain Controller with Active Directory : Temporary folder-Access de



For some test, I have setup one computer with Win 2003 Standard + IIS +
Active Directory

My problem is Access to the path
"c:\windows\microsoft.NET\framework\v1.1.4322\temporary ASP.NET Files\...."
is denied

when I'm trying to use a .NEt application

I have found on microsoft msdn support site

I have applied this work around. But it seem that this work around doesn't
work on Win 2003
I receive always
Access to the path "c:\windows\microsoft.NET\framework\v1.1.4322\temporary
ASP.NET Files\...." is denied

I have also try to update the machine.config with a admin user but same

Someone have an idea for me ?

Thanks in advance


Paul Sullivan


I just built a Windows 2003 + IIS6 + Visual Studio 2003. Added the
QuickStart apps in the Framework 1.1 and tried to run the QuickStart
samples. Got exactly the same error message. Seem that ASP.NET runs
under the NETWORK SERVICE account on Win 2003. I went to the
"\Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder and added the NETWORK SERVICE
account and gave it Full Control. Bingo it worked. I think ASP.NET
makes some temporary foldres under this folder. Give it a try and let
me know how it works.

Paul Sullivan



Thank you for your help,

Bingo, I have add Network Service to \Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder and
it's works.

Have a nice day


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