ASP.NET malware? cant be right...



I have been having very strange behaviour in the last few days with my dev
box, WS2003EE SP1 with SQL Server 2000 EE and VS.NET 2003 and 2005.

Firstly, I have been seeing ALOT of WinMgmt issues but rather warnings all
of the same error code, about 5 at a time every few minutes.

Secondly, this shows up in the event log:

Windows Defender Real-Time Protection agent has detected potential malware.

For more information please see the following:

Scan ID: {DE32EF0A-CDCE-4783-898F-181949F2A18E}

User: TECHNICA-PRIBX6\Administrator

Threat Name: Unknown

Threat Id:

Threat Severity:

Threat Category:

Path Found: service:ASP.NET_1.1.4322

Threat Classification: Unknown

Detection Type:

Whats happening? There are no viruses, malware or spyware at all on the
system. This all just started to happen about 20 minutes ago

any ideas? I am wondering if this is also causing my VS.NET 2003 and IIS to
act oddly and causing SQL Server General Network issues all of a sudden

Steve Dodson [MSFT]

This is just our unknown log in the event viewer. We are still classifying
items throughout the beta so hopefully you will not see this prompt in the


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
Windows Defender Beta Lead

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this
message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they


wow, thanks alot Mr.Dodson. I Was a bit worried as alot of other things,
strange, were going on at the same time and kind of worried me.

But if its nothing to be worried about, then thats great!


Steve Dodson said:
This is just our unknown log in the event viewer. We are still classifying
items throughout the beta so hopefully you will not see this prompt in the


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
Windows Defender Beta Lead

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this
message are best directed to the newsgroup/thread from which they
Ahmed Ilyas said:
I have been having very strange behaviour in the last few days with my dev
box, WS2003EE SP1 with SQL Server 2000 EE and VS.NET 2003 and 2005.

Firstly, I have been seeing ALOT of WinMgmt issues but rather warnings all
of the same error code, about 5 at a time every few minutes.

Secondly, this shows up in the event log:

Windows Defender Real-Time Protection agent has detected potential

For more information please see the following:

Scan ID: {DE32EF0A-CDCE-4783-898F-181949F2A18E}

User: TECHNICA-PRIBX6\Administrator

Threat Name: Unknown

Threat Id:

Threat Severity:

Threat Category:

Path Found: service:ASP.NET_1.1.4322

Threat Classification: Unknown

Detection Type:

Whats happening? There are no viruses, malware or spyware at all on the
system. This all just started to happen about 20 minutes ago

any ideas? I am wondering if this is also causing my VS.NET 2003 and IIS
act oddly and causing SQL Server General Network issues all of a sudden

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