ASP .net bug when changing stae of radio button..?



Hi all,

I just came across the following situation. I have three radio buttons
within the same group name, next to each of them I do have a
textbox (total 3 radiobuttons, 3 textboxes). I start with one
Textbox with its ReadOnly property to be true next to the defaulted
radiobutton that is checked. Then, I define that my event handler
for the CheckedChange event should define the ReadOnly property false
next to the radiobutton that I just checked. That is switching from True to
False. The change does not take place. After re-compiling the whole solution
and refreshing the page, the status of the Textbos remains the same after
I change the status of the RadioButton. Here it is what I have.
Is there anything wrong?

private void InitializeComponent()


this.rbNAcontactYT.CheckedChanged += new




private void rbNAcontactYT_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


NATelephone.ReadOnly = false;

NAEmail.Text = "";




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