and divs



I'd like to build a really basic site using no tables, only divs.

Obviously this will rely on CSS for formatting and positioning.

I have a left-hand navigation div. Is it possible to target a link in this
div into the main content div?

Thanks in advance!


Thanks Asya...
I've been told that iframes are evil and will mess up all cross-browser
compatibility... they are kinda cool, but are they generally good


Kevin Spencer

As long as the divs are on the same page, why would you target a link in one
to another? Are you talking about anchors?

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.


Cross Browser not an issue for me, I work for an IE only house so I dont
have to worry.
You can always use clientside webservice call and write the return string to
the content div if you dont want to use IFrames??


Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the response.

No, I actually want to have a constant navigation pane on the left.

I then want to click on one of these nav links and new content appears in
the main content div.

Essentially, I want to be able to treat a div exactly like an iframe.

Apologies if this is a really basic thing... newbie here!

Thanks in advance!

Kevin Spencer

Hi Mike,

I see. Well, since the page itself is not changing, it will either have to
use JavaScript on the client side to change the content in the divs, or it
will have to do a PostBack. However, in neither case will a hyperlink per se
be needed. In other words, as you're using Divs, and not iFrames or Frames,
you're not talking about changing the content in another browser instance.
You're talking about changing the same page in the same browser instance.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

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