ASP.NET 2.0 system requirements




I have found a ton of information on VS.NET 2005 system requirements and how
to deal with migration from 1.1. to 2.0 but I could not find any info on what
issues exist (if any) when wanting to run 1.1 and 2.0 ASP.NET apps on the
same server (are there issues with IIS, the .NET runtime etc.).

Could anyone point me in the right direction?


S. Justin Gengo


We haven't run into any issues where I work. The two runtimes have been
built to co-exist and so far no problems! I certainly recommend setting up a
test server first before installing the 2.0 runtime in production. But our
tests on our development and staging servers went flawlessly as did our
installment on production.


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

"Out of chaos comes order."

Scott M.

All framework versions are designed to co-exist on the same machine.

When you complile a .NET application, it is compiled with a complier that is
specific to a particular version of the .NET Framework. At runtime, that
assembly simply looks for and runs off of that version. Any other versions
are simply ignored.

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