ASP eating Javascript for VB code


Lloyd Sheen

Read all my posts before you jump in with both feet please.
The customer does not want to pay. The original web app was created with my
copy of VS.

If you create a page using the SDK you will have the same problem. If
people do not complain about problems then they will not be fixed.
Everything I read (and of course you can't believe everything you read)
indicates that MS has bitten off much more that they can handle with the
combination of DOT.NET, SQL Server and the new OS.

I simply cannot understand how a company with that many developers , QA etc
cannot parse a simple text file to figure out that the tag is in a literal.
If all software was written that poorly then we would not have jobs and the
computer industry would never have happened.

Lloyd Sheen

From: "Kevin Spencer" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: ASP eating Javascript from VB code
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:34 AM

Listen, Lloyd. Web Matrix is FREE, and NOT SUPPORTED. So, what are you
complaining about? Why don't you go out and buy the professional software
that Microsoft sells (Visual Studio.Net)? There is a reason why so many
people are willing to pay for it - it saves them money in the long run.
Think about it. For VS.Net you pay once, and get a whole lot of productivity
increase. Which costs more - software or programmer salaries?

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Bob Lehmann

So why did you write this...
"I have a page with the following script (no code behind ,using WebMatrix -
customer doesn't want to spend money on dev tools)."?

And, why did you feel the need to start a new thread?

Bob Lehmann

Lloyd Sheen

New thread was a finger problem.

Other rant was in response to someone asking why I was not using VS.

Lloyd Sheen


Well if I understand your problem you simply replace the
"</" & "script>"
("<" & chr(47) & "script>")
If that was your problem.

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