Array Formula Duplicating Results




I have an array formula that gives me the results I am looking for...with
the exception of one type. Anytime the result has only 1 value, it duplicates
that same value infinitely to the end of my array. As I said, 2 or more
values populate perfectly, without duplication...but I can't seem to figure
out why a result of 1 repeats.

I thought perhaps I had actually been trimming the resultant row values off
by 1 initially, and thus whenever the result was 1 it was actually using 0,
which would default me to the "UDP" range length I have...but every other
value results perfectly. Any help or advice would be appreciated, as I'm lost
on this one.

Here is my array formula...naturally it does have the {} when it is entered.
Also...the range UDP is quite long, contains duplicate values, but the OFFSET
cell range does not contain duplicates.


Let me know if any other info would be helpful.



Just a note on my seems like I may need a different function
than the OFFSET/MATCH combination as the OFFSET function, used in a
multi-cell array formula where row height is "1", will just repeat the same
result in each cell of the multi-cell array.

Does this sound like a bug? Or perhaps by design, with a different use for
OFFSET in mind? I cant seem to picture a situation where this might be
desired, and where you couldnt substitute this functionality with mere
repeating the same OFFSET formula in as many cells as desired, as opposed to
applying it to the entire multi-cell array.

In any event, if anybody has a suggestion for an alternative function(s), or
maybe something that I've would be appreciated.


Peo Sjoblom

What are you trying to do in the first place, maybe there is a non volatile


Hi Peo & thanks for you response,

I am trying to show an analysis of data in 1 worksheet(analysis worksheet),
from another worksheet(data worksheet). The key data in which I am trying to
reference has multiple values, and varying quantities of duplicates among
those multiple values, and in the formula I posted is named "UDP". In some
cases I have 15 instances of the same value, and in other instances, just 1.
Currently, using the OFFSET/MATCH function, I must keep the data worksheet
sorted by this key field(or at least keep the values contiguous), in order to
display the results correctly in the multi-cell array I've created to display
the multiple results(I could live with no sorting in the data worksheet, but
not preferred). The desired dataset which I'm deriving from the key data, is
a column of unique text values...I dont want to manipulate them in any way,
just display them, so that I can perform some additional VLOOKUPS, and
calculate those results, in the analysis therefore, it is
desired to not repeat the same result, for more reasons than aesthetics.

I want to have the user select a data validated selection in the analysis
worksheet, which in turn creates the keyed criteria for the multi-cell
array(so far, this works well, except when the amount of resultant values is
2), and displays the multiple results(51 columns to the left) of every
instance of this key data.

To clarify again, the key data has multiple values & duplicates, so the
amount of resultant data will vary, but will remain unique text. It works
acceptably with the OFFSET/MATCH combo for displaying in a multi-cell array,
but repeats the same value when the results(or height in rows) is
functions great for more than 1 result. I have a possible workaround, which
involves an IF statement for my analysis worksheet, but I'd rather not have
to do that, if at all possible.


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