Arranging Objects in Web Form



Hi folks,

I'm new to, and I'm having a problem. I'm not used to the FlowLayout
mode, so I'm using the GridLayout. I have a Label, thats loads a file and
below this Label, comes a Button, however the button needs to be exatly
below the end of the text, which height diversifies. How I can put this
Button or any other Objects below the Label without using the FlowLayout
mode? I guees this is not hard, cause there are many situation that something
very similiar can happen.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

This is very easy in FlowLayout mode, and that's why you should take this
opportunity to get use to it. I know that's not what you wanted to hear,
but as your dad (hopefully) taught you, you should use the right tool for
the job.
Alternately, you can use a FlowLayoutPanel within your GridLayout form.
(Found in the HTML section of your toolbox.)


Coming from a windows dev envir, that was my biggest initial hangup with

From experience go with gridlayout but use the HTML table control on each
Use this control to build up your pages. You can set each row and or column
to 100% width and height can be set to whatever % you need. Works real well
once you get use to not putting the exact points in.
Takes a bit of time to get used to this web stuff, but once you find your
way it works real nice.

Then you get to play with page life cycles and things not remembering stuff :)



Thanks Guys!!!

I'll try both ways to see which I can get used to easily!!! I hope that I
can get used to all the ways to use the better way according to the job.

Thanks again, any more help still very appreciated.

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