Are these options for restoring jdbgmgr bogus?



I am writing a summary concerning viruses and hoaxes. I am aware that
it is not necessary for one to have the jdbgmgr file, but need opinions on
if one desires to recover the file.

In my research I found that one can use the System File Checker in
restoring this file; another option was to extract the jdbgmgr.exe
from one's installation disk. And yet another was to copy the file from
another computer and paste it into sys32.

My questions: (1) can this file be restored using the System File
Checker if the file had been deleted for an extended length of time? (2) How
does one extract the file from one's installation or restoration disk? I
could not locate the file when I searched my disk. (3) 'Can' the jdbgmgr
file be copied from another computer and pasted into sys32? This last option
really does not sound quite right to me.

Thanks very much for assistance,


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Jan,

1) The extract function of SFC refers to Win9x versions, and yes you can use
it to restore jdbgmgr.exe regardless of how long it has been missing.

2) For Win9x versions, see this page for details on extracting single system
files from the Win98 CD or cab files:

For WinXP, start/run msconfig and click the "expand file" button on the
general tab.

3) Yes, despite the seeming incongruity, this method will work as long as
you copy from the same operating system.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


Rick "Nutcase" Rogers said:
Hi Jan,

1) The extract function of SFC refers to Win9x versions, and yes you can use
it to restore jdbgmgr.exe regardless of how long it has been missing.

2) For Win9x versions, see this page for details on extracting single system
files from the Win98 CD or cab files:

For WinXP, start/run msconfig and click the "expand file" button on the
general tab.

3) Yes, despite the seeming incongruity, this method will work as long as
you copy from the same operating system.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Thanks much, especially for the great link.


Alex Nichol

Jan said:
I am writing a summary concerning viruses and hoaxes. I am aware that
it is not necessary for one to have the jdbgmgr file, but need opinions on
if one desires to recover the file.

In my research I found that one can use the System File Checker in
restoring this file; another option was to extract the jdbgmgr.exe
from one's installation disk. And yet another was to copy the file from
another computer and paste it into sys32.

My questions: (1) can this file be restored using the System File
Checker if the file had been deleted for an extended length of time?

Only if you have SP1 (not SP1a) installed, or the CD for the system
includes SP1

Otherwise, the idea of copying from another machine to system32 is as
easy as any. Or just not bothering.

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