Are there advantages of Linux over XP Pro.?


David Candy

Do not thank a f*ckin idiot. These are morons who are c*nts.

What doesn't a f*ckin idiot like Leythos understand.

1. This is a technical support community. Newbies like Leythos come here with the intent of disrupting the effort of volunteers. This month, January, is my 15th anniversary online. Newbies always amaze me with their depth of experience. April will be my 21st anniversary of using email.

2. Top posting is an OH&S issue. Therefore it follows that bottom posting is probably illegal. While it's hard to see death occuring, so unlikely to be goaled. But MS is certainly incurring legal liability for criminals lke f*ckin idiot.

3. Morons like f*ckin idiot fail to understand NNTP and it's history. NNTP servers might ring up another NNTP server and exchange messages once a day. Therefore to any partricular person messages could arrive out of sequence by days. It made sense to make a story from the top down as the particular person might have to wait 2 days to get the first post. However these days are long gone. Now it is merely criminal to do this.

4. F*ckin idiot also snips, thus conceals the record. Remember point 3. I keep messages for 24 hours. This f*ckin idiot is a sleazy c#nt hiding the record. So what is this thread about - f*ckin idiot has hidden it.

4. F*cking idiot doesn't understand that these groups ARE NOT related to usenet but arre spinoffs of CIS forums using a particular technology, NNTP. MS's web site is a spinoff of the Microsoft BBS. People connect to MS servers. Nothing to do with unix (cept that MS was a Unix company - they're first OS they sold was real Unix - thus had unix software to implement NNTP).

5. F*ckin idiot is purposly trying to hurt me, by making me make thousands of repetive movements per day, so he can wank off over the thought. I've read 3, 427 posts in the last 2 days. If f*ckin idiot has his way, and say the average post is 3 twirls of the mouse wheel, that 10,000 totally unnecessary mouse movements per day. 70,000 per week, 30,000 per month, and 360,000 per year. WHY IS THIS C*NT DOING THIS TO ME? It causes me physical pain.

If f*ckin idiot like usenet so much let him go there and leave us alone.

The hide of bludgers like him, stealing our knowledge, and putting conditions on others to build up his fantasisies on hurting others.

Apologise to f*ckin idiot again and I will monitor you for technical accuracy and humulate you whenever I can. You need to choose between good and evil. This is a windows group not a unix group.

When in rome do as the romans do. This is a windows support forum, do thing windows way. 5 years ago an idiot like leythos would be posting Macz Rulz as people like him did do 20 times a day. Now he has a more sophisticated way of disrupting and causing pain to the volunteers here.


Why do people get so bent out of shape when an OT post comes around (and
it's debateable how far off-topic he really is)? If it bothers you that
much why don't you killfile him or simply just ignore the thread?

David Candy

It's a preduce against linux (and mac before them) users being here in MS groups causing trouble. Window's users DO NOT go to mac/unix groups making degrotatory posts about their OS.


"David Candy" <.> said:
1. This is a technical support community. Newbies like Leythos come here with the intent of disrupting the effort of volunteers. This month, January, is my 15th anniversary online. Newbies always amaze me with their depth of experience. April will be my 21st anniversary of using email.

I got news for you son, I've been using Usenet since the early 80's and
have not been a troll ever and not a noob in decades.

While you may not have been around long enough, I've been here a long
time (Usenet) and seen many trolls like you flame their way through
Usenet to no end. The real disruption to groups, any group, is the
morons that flame anyone that doesn't agree with their way of thinking.

I happen to own a company that is a MS Partner, we install and design
systems based on MS Solutions all over the US, and I buy more than my
share of licenses and products from MS, even for my personal use - so
you've lost out on the idea that I'm a troll or non-MS user.

Crawl back under your bridge now.



I`m a windows user, have 3 desktop and a laptop running XP Pro SP2, plus my
wifes Mac on my home network. Was thinking of changing one of my desktops
to become a linux server. Was thinking having my network structured like
this: ADSL modem, Linux Server, NetGear Router, then my windows computers.
Was thinking of having the linux server to act as a firewall in conjunction
with the NetGear router/firewall, then the simple software firewalls in XP.
How well would linux work in that capacity? I`m slowly learning RedHat
Linux, will have to help administrate a linux environment sometime this



Temper, temper

: Listen you friggin moron. Take this discussion elsewhere. It has NOTHING -
: NOTHING - NOTHING to do with anything Microsoft, let alone Windows XP!
: And all the people feeding you (troll) can take a hike also!
: "Dan" wrote:
: > I was just wondering about the experiences that people have had using
: > I currently dual-boot with two hard drives 98SE (Fat32) and XP Pro.
: > and was considering trying out Linux too. Can people give me some advice
: > about Linux and its usefulness. Thanks in advance.
: >
: >
: >


Not to GO but to Lycanthrope

: Temper, temper
: : : Listen you friggin moron. Take this discussion elsewhere. It has
: : NOTHING - NOTHING to do with anything Microsoft, let alone Windows XP!
: :
: : And all the people feeding you (troll) can take a hike also!
: :
: : "Dan" wrote:
: :
: : > I was just wondering about the experiences that people have had using
: Linux.
: : > I currently dual-boot with two hard drives 98SE (Fat32) and XP Pro.
: (NTFS)
: : > and was considering trying out Linux too. Can people give me some
: : > about Linux and its usefulness. Thanks in advance.
: : >
: : >
: : >


Many of the issues & choices one makes related to one's XP
installation, modification or maintenance are informed or affected by
related issues/choices one may face with their other OS from a
utilitarian standpoint. Surely in the context of informed users, an OS
discussion within this sort of context (and not crossing the line into
some sort of extended forum about another OS nor littering the NG with
any preponderance of other-OS threads) are not only on-topic, but are
vital - unless one may be suffering from a personal rectal-cranial
inversion. ;^-)


Al said:
So many prejudices in this group. That's where the meanness comes
from. One of them is a prejudice against Linux.

Why don't you just ignore it? Discussion isn't advanced by referring
to it.
My experience was that it installed easily and ran great. The
reasons I chose not to upgrade to Linux are as follows:

1) No support for Winmodems.

A YMMV item & a misleading blanket statement; the winmodem-type affair
in my Compaq craptop works fine with the gnu distros out-of-the-box.
OTOH for those that won't, adding a modem has gotten to be a very
cheap/easy thing, yes?
2) Awkward installation of software.

Amazing - you found that typical rpm packages & various distros
auto-installers were awkward compared to XP? I've found the opposite.
3) Popular PC games don't run under Linux. Only a handful of good
games are made to run using Linux.

You are joking, right?
4) Linux does not run Word 2000, which I use for my business (I'm
a freelance writer). I could use Open Office, but it is not as
good as Word.

You are _really_ joking, right?
These are the main reasons I decided to go with Windows XP.

It's important for anyone to use whatever OS they are most comfortable
or happy with, & all have come a long way in terms of (percieved or
real) refinements. FWIW I still use XP extensively for my audio &
(lesser extent) video work, because like you I have/know/like the apps
I have even though better ones are availible for Linux if I wanted to
get/install/learn/master them. But we needn't lie about or maximize
any issues to justify a preference. No one is edified that way.
thx the read.

Al Smith

3) Popular PC games don't run under Linux. Only a handful of good
You are joking, right?

Ah, no. Why would you say that? My statement is simple fact. Most
popular PC games don't run under Linux. Even the few that do run,
don't run well. For a serious PC gamer, Linux won't do the job.
This isn't in question. This is recognized.
You are _really_ joking, right?

So which statement jiggled your funny bone this time? That
Microsoft Office won't run on Linux? Well, it won't, unless you
use an emulator such as Wine ... and then, from what I've read, it
*still* won't run properly.

Or maybe the statement that Open Office is not as good as Word?
I'm talking about the word processing part of Open Office, and it
just isn't as good as Word. That's so obvious, so universally
acknowledged by both Windows users and Linux users, that it
doesn't even need debate. I've used both. Word is better. This,
from a man who hates Microsoft and wants them to go into
bankruptcy as soon as possible. I hate MS, but they make the best
word processor you can buy, or steal. That's just the way it is.


Thanks for your reply. Excuse my ignorance but what does KDE mean? The Red
Hat Fedora Core 3 system looks especially interesting. Can you order a cd
with it? I would be interesting in creating a seperate partition on my
dual-boot 98SE/XP PRO machine for a copy of Linux. As I grow more
comfortable with technology and customizing it; I have found that I would
like to experiment more and move onto different operating systems so I can
get a feel for them. This also allows me to learn more about Microsoft
alternatives since although Microsoft products are usually great, they can be
very expensive. I really appreciate your reply and look forward to creating
a seperate partition on my D:\ drive for Linux. Please keep in touch via
this newsgroup and on this thread. Have a wonderful day!

: In article <uND5j#[email protected]>, (e-mail address removed)
: says...
: > Thank you, I am not a troll and have been a user of the 98 general
: > with Gary S. Terhune, MVP for a long time. I am much more wary of this
: > because overall I find that some people are just plain mean in this group
: > unlike the 98 general newsgroup where courtesy rules.
: Great to have you here then. I'm more than willing to discuss my
: migration and experimentation with Linux. I've been a windows user,
: programmer, and systems/network designer for a LONG TIME. As the world
: turns I've started testing the latest Linux distro's and trying to pick
: one for two environments - 1 = Home User that doesn't need Windows based
: games or a managed office computer, also not needing games, and 2 = a
: small file server with RAID and Backup storage with the easy addition of
: email and web services if needed.
: I'm not exactly liked in the Mandrake group, since I'm not a Windows
: hater and am actually only a noob when it comes to Linux, but here's
: what I've experienced in learning/testing Linux:
: SUSE 9.1 Personal - Test systems are as follows:
: 1 unit - Laptop, p3/600, D-Link NIC, 512MB RAM
: 3 units - Compaq ML350 Dual P3/1ghz, SCSI, IDE, 2GB RAM
: Mandrake 10.1 Official - Test systems are as follows:
: 1 unit - Laptop, p3/600, D-Link NIC, 512MB RAM
: 3 units - Compaq ML350 Dual P3/1ghz, SCSI, IDE, 2GB RAM
: 1 unit - Asus PC-DL Dual Xeon, IDE, 2GB
: Red Hat Fedora Core 3 - Test systems are as follows:
: 1 unit - Laptop, p3/600, D-Link NIC, 512MB RAM
: 3 units - Compaq ML350 Dual P3/1ghz, SCSI, IDE, 2GB RAM
: 1 unit - Asus PC-DL Dual Xeon, IDE, 2GB
: The Suse install was painless, it worked out of the ISO and didn't have
: any issues on any machine. The KDE interface "felt" slower than I
: expected. I was unable to access shares on my 2003 servers in R/W mode
: and eventually gave up. I hear that this may be less problematic in 9.2.
: The Mandrake 10.1 install was also painless, but the GUI would not run.
: I found that the KDE configuration was setup for some really strange
: resolutions that were not anything I've ever seen anywhere else. I
: learned enough about the config settings to change them using VI and was
: able to get the GUI started and running fine. KDE was much faster than
: the SUSE install, and the services and apps responded quickly. I found
: that many of the GUI tools for management did not come fully configured,
: they require editing of config files - something I'm not able to handle
: at that level right now. I was able to access the 2000/2003 shares in
: R/W mode after much effort/config.
: Fedora Core 3 - Install was painless, GUI is perfect, runs fast, even
: does the Update Checks (like XP) and lets me know when there are updates
: to install. Installation of updates is painless. All GUI based tools
: work as best I can tell - I was able to create 2 websites and have them
: online in about 20 minutes. FC3 was the only version that included
: Evolution, and it worked perfectly with our Exchange 2000 server and
: even the 2003 server without resorting to POP. I can't find any problems
: with FC3, and on a Dual CPU box it screams. I was able to access the
: 2000/2003 shares in R/W mode from what I learned in MDK.
: Once I learn enough I plan on using Linux for small offices that need a
: shared storage location, but, can't afford 2003 Server and don't have
: the IT staff to manage their systems. I think that a small file server
: running on FC3 would be a great solution in comparison to the same
: environment running 2003 server. It's not that 2003 has any problems,
: it's very stable in all of our installs, but the $650 for 5 CAL, and
: then the ever increasing threats (not that I would ignore them on any
: server), makes something like BSD or FC3 look great - the real
: difference will be the initial startup costs (same effort, just lower
: cost to purchase) and expected maintenance costs.
: --
: --
: (e-mail address removed)
: (Remove 999 to reply to me)

If you have a broadband connection, you can download Fedora Core 3 ISOs
(FC3) here:

I haven't set up a dual boot in a while, but previous installs of
Redhat/Fedora detected Windows just fine and set up the install on its own
partition just fine. GRUB and LILO are the boot loaders that will make it
easy for you to select if you want to boot into Windows or Linux.

KDE and GNOME are desktop environments. I think it comes down to personal
preference, but I'm used to GNOME and have stuck with it, though some
prefer KDE.



Thanks, perris. I never knew that some readers require you to bottom-post
whereas OE seems to want you to top-post.

: Dan Wrote:
: > I was just wondering about the experiences that people have had using
: > Linux.
: > I currently dual-boot with two hard drives 98SE (Fat32) and XP Pro.
: > (NTFS)
: > and was considering trying out Linux too. Can people give me some
: > advice
: > about Linux and its usefulness. Thanks in advance.
: wow, interesting conversation...of course a comparison of operating
: systems belongs on both operating systems support group...I'm surprised
: there's even a discussion.
: anyway, if you have a specific use, and would lilke to dedicate the
: operating system for your purpose, you're better off with linux, you
: can make it more use specific, and therfore more stable, and probably
: faster given the same hardware
: xp out of the box is allready "plugged in" with just about everything
: most users need, and there's some overhead because of that
: as far as some people mentioning "bottom posting", I am forced to do
: that...some readers, (like this one) quote invisably to the user, the
: quote is inserted by the reader when the response is posted...and they
: quote on top...then it's impossible to go back and edit
: --
: perris
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: perris's Profile:
: View this thread:


Thanks, perris. I never knew that some readers require you to bottom-post
whereas OE seems to want you to top-post.

If you apply the updates for OE it will fix many Usenet issues for you.

Ken Blake

Dan said:
Thanks, perris. I never knew that some readers require you to
bottom-post whereas OE seems to want you to top-post.

If I had a newsreader that required me to post *anywhere*, I'd
switch newsreaders. I'll post where I want to post and don't want
my newsreader deciding for me. I can live with Outlook Express
*wanting* me to top-post because it's easy to move the cursor
where I want it, but I wouldn't tolerate a requirement.

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