Are macros created in Excel 2003 compatible with Excel 5.0/95?



Hi, I need to creat some macros for a client. I have Excel 2003 but they run
on Excel 5.0/95. Will they be able to run the macros that I created? Or do I
need to save down my file for them to open and ruun it?

Dave Peterson

Maybe, maybe not. It depends on what's in your code.

Excel 2003 has an option to save in excel 5.0/95 format (but save as a copy!).

You could do this, find a pc that runs xl95 and test the heck out of your code.
(You could do minor testing by closing this xl95 workbook and reopening to see
what was lost (userforms would be!).

You may want to consider getting a copy of xl95 (eBay???) and developing
there--or convincing your client to upgrade. (But if they didn't upgrade to
xl2003, you'd still want to test/verify.)

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