Are FrontPage Extensions Required



Can someone PLEASE clear my thoughts on Frontpage Extensions.

I author sites with FP2003 on my local Windows XP Pro machine. I did have
the FP 2002 Extensions installed until earlier today. However, investigating
why only some, not all, of the pages connected to dynamic web templates were
not updating, I came across a comment that DTWs would NOT update properly if
the Extensions were installed. So, I removed the Extensions.

Now I find that that I'm running into troubles with local webs that have
sub-webs. With the Extensions installed, I could see the sub-webs within the
structure of the web, open and publish them individually, etc. Now, they do
not show up as a separate entity and I hit problems trying to publish them.

I understand that Sharepoint Services are not an option for a Windows XP
machine. So what are we supposed to do? The worrying thing is that I just
can't find any information on the subject. I must be missing something
obvious, so will someone PLEASE put me straight.


Thomas A. Rowe

If you have IIS installed, then you have to use the FP extensions to access the webs under

The easiest solution is to publish the site to a disk-based location if you need work with the DWT
and then publish it back to http://localhost when done.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thanks Thomas

I was really hoping that FP had progressed to more than a plaything for
school projects! Don't Microsoft want to be taken seriously? They're really
taking the pee if they think that users are stupid enough to go through the
procedure of publishing to disk, before amending a template and then
re-publishing back. It's a joke, to be frank. Pity, becuase I really like
the interface, but I do at least want to be taken seriously.

I hate to say it, but back to Dreamweaver.

Thanks though.

Thomas A. Rowe

I use FP for professional development and I have never considered FP to be a plaything for anything,
but I do have fun working with it.

When you work with Dreamweaver you are still working with disk-based webs.

The reason for the problem with the DWT under the FP2000/2002 extensions is that these extensions
where created prior to the release of FP2003 so they can not recognize the DWT tags.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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