


I'm trying to make multiple archives in my wife's Outlook 2002. I'm not
clear on all the steps I've taken but I haven't gotten myself in too bad
shape right now but I can't find out how to do this right. The explanation
below may be longer than need be but I want to be sure I get it right.

If I collapse everthing I have "Archive Folders", then below it "Hotmail"
then below that "Outlook Today - Personal Folders".

I may have been the one that made the folder called Archive Folders last
week (I can't remember). Inside of it are two sub-folders called "JI - 2005"
with 2 subfolders with mail in them and another called "ZZZZ". The last one I
made tonight by adding another folder inside "Archive" and moving some
folders with mail into them as well.

When I went to File, Data File Management I expected to see the Personal
File folder, Hotmail Folder and two additional labeled JI - 2005 and ZZZZ.
Instead I see the first two and another called "Archive".

The file sizes add up so that it's obvious to me that JI and ZZZZ are indeed
subfolders to Archive instead of them each being their own archive folder.

I'm trying to do the correct thing which is to keep every data file to a
resonable size but I'm unable to figure out how to make additional proper
separate multiple archive folders and be able to see them in the list of Data
File Management.

As I haved I have been attempting to make additional folders using Data File
Management I'm ending up with 32 Kb files in there which I can't delete. This
is not a big deal as I can ignore them and make a slightly differnt name if
necessary for new archive files.

Sorry if I've been too long winded but I'm new to Outlook.

Thanks in advance for helping.


Brian Tillman

Marc said:
If I collapse everthing I have "Archive Folders", then below it
"Hotmail" then below that "Outlook Today - Personal Folders". ....snip...
When I went to File, Data File Management I expected to see the
Personal File folder, Hotmail Folder and two additional labeled JI -
2005 and ZZZZ. Instead I see the first two and another called

As you notice, the folder list and the Data File Management dialogue agree,
as they should.
I may have been the one that made the folder called Archive Folders
last week (I can't remember). Inside of it are two sub-folders called
"JI - 2005" with 2 subfolders with mail in them and another called
"ZZZZ". The last one I made tonight by adding another folder inside
"Archive" and moving some folders with mail into them as well.
The file sizes add up so that it's obvious to me that JI and ZZZZ are
indeed subfolders to Archive instead of them each being their own
archive folder.

I'm trying to do the correct thing which is to keep every data file
to a resonable size but I'm unable to figure out how to make
additional proper separate multiple archive folders and be able to
see them in the list of Data File Management.

You have a couple of choices. You can have a single archive PST and, then
Outlook runs autoarchive, it will create folders in that archive PST that
match the folders in the "Outlook Today" PST. Set this in File>Archive.
You can also specify a separate PST for each folder. When autoarchive runs,
that PST will contain a single folder, the folder you're arching to that
PST. Control this by right-clicking a folder, choosing Proerties, clicking
the AutoArchive tab, selecting the "Archive this folder using these setings"
radio button, and specifying a PST for the folder. You can share this PST
for archiving other folders as well by making the same change to those
specific folders. Most people use the single PST for archiving.

If the archive PST doesn't exist when Autoarchive runs, Outlook will create
As I haved I have been attempting to make additional folders using
Data File Management I'm ending up with 32 Kb files in there which I
can't delete.

File>Data File Management doesn't create folders, it creates PSTs, which
contain folderrs if you create them.


Hi Brian,

Before I received your reply I did some experiments during the day that
seemed to work

My wife doesn't want to autoarchive and she has too much mail for one
archive. So I went into Data File Management (although I could have gone
directly to the store) and added additional PST files. Then I simply
highlighted the folder I wished to move and directed it to that PST file.

The only problem I found is that until you expend them they all say
"Archives" and can't be renamed. But that's a small annoynce.

Did I do anything wrong? She does back up all of the PSTs to an external
drive daily.

Outlook seems to be designed to be used in an Exchange envirement or at
least by someone who doesn't have or think they have to have access to
thousands of e-mail.


Brian Tillman

Marc said:
The only problem I found is that until you expend them they all say
"Archives" and can't be renamed. But that's a small annoynce.

You can have the PSTs show whatever name you want. Create one with
FIle>New>Outlook Data File. Browse to the folder where you want the PST
stored or accept the default. Give it any name you choose or accept the
default. CLick OK. In the next dialogue that appears, choose a display
name. This will be the name that appears in the Folder List in Outlook.
Outlook seems to be designed to be used in an Exchange envirement or
at least by someone who doesn't have or think they have to have
access to thousands of e-mail.

It was designed to be used in an Exchange environment.

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