Apple computers???



I'm posting here because my question is really Windows XP versus Apple. A
friend of mine is shopping for a new computer. Price is not an issue.
She'll buy whatever she feels appropriate. Friends of hers who own Apple
computers are telling her to buy Apple. I know Windows, but not apple.
She's heavily into digital photography. Her main focus currently is a
high-end, big screen laptop with a wireless connection to her broadband
modem. Any help that any of you can offer would be much appreciated - even
a site you might recommend that offers issues and comparisons. If Apple is
the best computer for her, I'm willing to forego my Windows preference.
Thank you for your help

Al Dykes

I'm posting here because my question is really Windows XP versus Apple. A
friend of mine is shopping for a new computer. Price is not an issue.
She'll buy whatever she feels appropriate. Friends of hers who own Apple
computers are telling her to buy Apple. I know Windows, but not apple.
She's heavily into digital photography. Her main focus currently is a
high-end, big screen laptop with a wireless connection to her broadband
modem. Any help that any of you can offer would be much appreciated - even
a site you might recommend that offers issues and comparisons. If Apple is
the best computer for her, I'm willing to forego my Windows preference.
Thank you for your help

There a good WIndows laptops and crapply windows laptops. IMO all the
Apple laptops are nice if you pick one that meets your requirements.

The flavor used by the person that is most willing to help her out is,
IMO, important.

Knowledge and/or investment in software specific to either would
affect the decision as would the flavor used at her school or job, if
there is a preference.

If she's into photoshop-level digital photography I recommend a
powerbook because it has color calibration that most if not all
windows laptops lack. I don't know of any. I might check with Dell
about their top-of-the-line laptop.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

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Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
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| I'm posting here because my question is really Windows XP versus Apple. A
| friend of mine is shopping for a new computer. Price is not an issue.
| She'll buy whatever she feels appropriate. Friends of hers who own Apple
| computers are telling her to buy Apple. I know Windows, but not apple.
| She's heavily into digital photography. Her main focus currently is a
| high-end, big screen laptop with a wireless connection to her broadband
| modem. Any help that any of you can offer would be much appreciated - even
| a site you might recommend that offers issues and comparisons. If Apple is
| the best computer for her, I'm willing to forego my Windows preference.
| Thank you for your help


MACs are better for digital editing. But I have never used one. Windows
might be easier to use.



I'm posting here because my question is really Windows XP versus Apple. A
friend of mine is shopping for a new computer. Price is not an issue.
She'll buy whatever she feels appropriate. Friends of hers who own Apple
computers are telling her to buy Apple. I know Windows, but not apple.
She's heavily into digital photography. Her main focus currently is a
high-end, big screen laptop with a wireless connection to her broadband
modem. Any help that any of you can offer would be much appreciated - even
a site you might recommend that offers issues and comparisons. If Apple is
the best computer for her, I'm willing to forego my Windows preference.
Thank you for your help

I run Page Paker and Photoshop and several other apps on a Windows XP
box, but I also buy enough CPU/Memory to handle all that I do. I also
live in a predominately MS world for work and home, so I stay with

Since your friend is going to be predominately non-MS world based, get
her the Apple. If she's not doing business applications, not
programming, not into general business functions, then Apple would be a
good choice for her.

While Apples have their own share of problems, they are no where near
what an unexperienced Windows user will have with viruses, worms,
malicious code, security, etc....


BillW said:
I'm posting here because my question is really Windows XP versus Apple. A
friend of mine is shopping for a new computer. Price is not an issue.
She'll buy whatever she feels appropriate. Friends of hers who own Apple
computers are telling her to buy Apple. I know Windows, but not apple.
She's heavily into digital photography. Her main focus currently is a
high-end, big screen laptop with a wireless connection to her broadband
modem. Any help that any of you can offer would be much appreciated - even
a site you might recommend that offers issues and comparisons. If Apple is
the best computer for her, I'm willing to forego my Windows preference.
Thank you for your help

What does she have now? There is little to choose between them really.

If she isn't very technically minded who will she turn to when she needs
help? Does that person know both systems?


My cousin is a graphics arts designer, and does loads of digital
editing. He said that although Apple used to have a distinct edge in
this category, that has went away and both platforms are the same.
Sometimes he uses his Mac, sometimes he uses his XP box. It depends
on the software package he wants to use, as some of their software is
designed to work on the Mac OS, some to work on the XP OS, and they
don't cross over.


BillW said:
I'm posting here because my question is really Windows XP versus Apple. A
friend of mine is shopping for a new computer. Price is not an issue.
She'll buy whatever she feels appropriate. Friends of hers who own Apple
computers are telling her to buy Apple. I know Windows, but not apple.
She's heavily into digital photography. Her main focus currently is a
high-end, big screen laptop with a wireless connection to her broadband
modem. Any help that any of you can offer would be much appreciated -
a site you might recommend that offers issues and comparisons. If Apple
is the best computer for her, I'm willing to forego my Windows preference.
Thank you for your help

That's a no brainer. Buy the MAC OSX machine if money is not an issue. If
money is an issue, then purchase an intel based laptop and install Linux on
it. Last choice - buy Windoze and your friend can spend many fun filled
hours trying to keep the machine running without problems, malware,
trojans, viruses and worms. It seems to be an amusing passtime, as you'll
quickly find out reading the posts in this newsgroup.


BillW said:
I'm posting here because my question is really Windows XP versus
Apple. A friend of mine is shopping for a new computer. Price is
not an issue. She'll buy whatever she feels appropriate. Friends of
hers who own Apple computers are telling her to buy Apple. I know
Windows, but not apple. She's heavily into digital photography. Her
main focus currently is a high-end, big screen laptop with a wireless
connection to her broadband modem. Any help that any of you can
offer would be much appreciated - even a site you might recommend
that offers issues and comparisons. If Apple is the best computer
for her, I'm willing to forego my Windows preference. Thank you for
your help

Fall back to the mainframe decision process: Pick the software you want to
use, then the hardware with which to run it.

There's no detectable difference between the platforms.


Is that a quote from Mr. Gate$ or did you dream that up all by yourself?

Carey - even as I MS Partner I know better than that. If you stick with
that OPINION I will have lost any respect for your position as a MVP.

Each OS has strength and merit, each has a target audience. Some parts
over-lap as do the targets, but it seems clear, to a non-biased type,
that the MAC Os/X (even Tiger) system would be a better solution for the
OP's friend.


NoStop said:
That's a no brainer. Buy the MAC OSX machine if money is not an
issue. If money is an issue, then purchase an intel based laptop and
install Linux on it. Last choice - buy Windoze and your friend can
spend many fun filled hours trying to keep the machine running
without problems, malware, trojans, viruses and worms. It seems to be
an amusing passtime, as you'll quickly find out reading the posts in
this newsgroup.

Yes, you suggest a solution that no other brain has considered. Hating
Microsoft is not a rational basis for life-affirming decisions.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Please explain, clearly and precisely, in 150 words or less, your rationale:

"it seems clear, to a non-biased type, that the MAC Os/X (even Tiger)
system would be a better solution for the OP's friend."

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Get Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies:


"Leythos" wrote:

| Carey - even as I MS Partner I know better than that. If you stick with
| that OPINION I will have lost any respect for your position as a MVP.
| Each OS has strength and merit, each has a target audience. Some parts
| over-lap as do the targets, but it seems clear, to a non-biased type,
| that the MAC Os/X (even Tiger) system would be a better solution for the
| OP's friend.


BillW said:
I'm posting here because my question is really Windows XP versus Apple. A
friend of mine is shopping for a new computer. Price is not an issue.

Then get whatever. Since price is not an issue be prepared for any Apple
tech that comes over to fix whatever to charge 3X the price of a windows
based pc.


Please explain, clearly and precisely, in 150 words or less, your rationale:

"it seems clear, to a non-biased type, that the MAC Os/X (even Tiger)
system would be a better solution for the OP's friend."

If the owners support and work base is mostly a MAC systems base, then
it makes clear sense to use a MAC for a non-technical owner of a system.
As the MAC will do all that was described, as the tools for the MAC are
no less capable than those on Windows, as there is no real difference,
it comes down to a support/use issue. Her base, in her focus, is MAC, it
only makes sense.

I personally don't have a MAC, and I do all that the owner will be doing
on a Windows XP Prof system, but there are some MAC programs that have
not been ported to Windows that are used in the industry. Yes, I know
that you can make do with other Windows programs, but, even in the early
days when Page Maker and Photo Shop were ported to Windows, it ran
better on the MAC, even if it ran faster on the PC.

You should get outside the box more often, actually experience other
OS's, experience other platforms. Just because you are a MVP does not
mean you have to be a droid, MVP's are valuable as long as they remain
unbiased in order to provide the best solution path for any situation.

Kevin Brunt (Fat B@stard)!!

I would compare apples with bananas. Personally I like uncle Bill's software because I get enough pirated software. I don't need apples or bananas because the only way to get these is to shoplift and this is too risky considering that I am not a 100m world champion nor am I on any performance enhancing drugs. I am FAT KEVIN.

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