Append Records To Existing Table....



I've done that a long time ago, but can't remember how..

The User sees a screen with Option Buttons like...

Make A New Table in Design Only

Make A New Table w/ Existing Records

Append Records To Another Table

How do I see this again?? AND, is there a "limit" to how many Records
can be appended...IE - will it handle 75000 Records??

TIA - Bob

Larry Daugherty

Dunno, I don't think any of the wizards I know are like you describe.

The only limit I know is that you can't make the database larger than



Larry - Thanks for answering.

I have seen this before, & was hoping someone would jump right in & tell me
I'm an "idiot" for not knowing how to get to that.

Any others know about this feature?

TIA - Bob

Brendan Reynolds

Sounds like the dialog you see when you copy and paste a table.

In the Database window, right-click a table.
Choose Copy.
Right-click and empty part of the database window.
Choose Paste.

(Or select a table and from the Edit menu choose Copy, then from the Edit
menu again choose Paste).


Brendan - THANK you. I "slept on that" last nite, & realized that's the

I've already completed the work, but I won't Bill for the slow,tedious way I
wound-up solving the problem.

An added question. In appending this way, are there any known size
restrictions when appending data,,IE...Is it likely 50,000 records w/ 100
fields (theoretical size) would work??

TIA - Bob

Brendan Reynolds

I can't really say, Bob. I use append queries rather than copy and paste
when I want to copy large numbers of records. I have a vague memory of
experiencing problems when copying and pasting large numbers of records in
the past, but it was a long time ago and I can't remember any details.


Brendan - I thought I had answered this yesterday, but see it didn't appear.

THANKS again - Bob

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