AppActivate for IE not working


Barb Reinhardt

I'm trying to use AppActivate for IE and it's intermittently working. I've
got things dimensioned as follows

Dim myIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer

How do I activate the IE window so that it works all of the time?

Barb Reinhardt

Gary''s Student

Here is some typical code that:

1. creates an IE object
2. does some simple tailoring
3. opens CNN
4. returns to the worksheet
5. allows the refresh of the website

Sub Launch_IE()

Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.AddressBar = False
ie.MenuBar = False
ie.Toolbar = False
ie.Width = 610
ie.Height = 700
ie.Left = 0
ie.Top = 0
ie.navigate ""

ie.resizable = True
ie.Visible = True
MsgBox ("ready to refresh??")
AppActivate ie
SendKeys "{F5}"
End Sub

Gary''s Student

In my little demo, once IE has been activated, I wanted to refresh the page.

The SendKeys is like touching the F5 key in IE (it refreshes the window).
The DoEvents gives focus back to IE to accept this keystroke.

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