App worked Yesterday - today cursor just spins?!?!




my project was working yesterday when I closed up shop. Today, I
turned on Visual studio and before making any changes, I compiled a
copy of my app in debug mode. All of the components copied to the
emulator - but the app wouldn't launch. I waited 5-10 minutes, and
still it wouldn't launch. So I hard-reset the emulator. Tried
debugging again, and all the components copied over again, but the app
never launched!

So I rebooted my machine, put the ipaq in the cradle, and tried
debugging from there. On the PPC, the cursor just kept spinning for
about 60 seconds then went away. I verified that .NET apps were
working by launching another .NET app on the pocket pc. It ran just

I coped an old frmmain.vb backup to the compile directory and it
worked just fine, which makes me think it's something in the "Windows
generated code" that is messing things up. Is there an easy way to
find out what it is? My backup is from last week, so I'll lose 10
hours if I have to redo.



I would use a program like windif that compares 2 files or
2 directories and tells you exacty whats different in
them. You should compare the backup program code the works
vs the code that doesn't work. There may be a screw up in
the winodows generated code.


Dante said:
I would use a program like windif that compares 2 files or
2 directories and tells you exacty whats different in
them. You should compare the backup program code the works
vs the code that doesn't work. There may be a screw up in
the winodows generated code.
Thanks Dante,

It figures that about 5 minutes after posting, I found the problem. I
must have accidentally dropped some code into a "Parent_Changed" event
before saving the night before. I have a few custom buttons that
default to "parent changed" when you click on them to edit the
code...drop in a little routine and the program loops .... Move that
to "click" and it all works great.

Where do I get windif though? sounds like a handy program.

Thanks again,

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