Any other places I can try to find an answer



Is it possible to set a keyboard shortcut to an action button, so it can be
activated while the slide show is in progress. The aim is to be able to use
the key on the keyboard to move to slides that are say 10 or 20 slides down
or up from the current slide.

Any ideas would be appreciated
Thanks simmo

Troy @ TLC Creative

I am not certain of your exact end result, but you can access any portion of
the presentation while in show mode. If you have a printout of the slides so
you know the slide numbers you can type in a #, hit enter and you move the
slideshow to that slide.

As example, I am on slide #10 and the audience asks a question that is
answered in later in my show, starting with slide #25. While on slide #10 I
type "25" enter and the slideshow seamlessly jumps to slide #25. I can
either continue on from this point or type "11" to move the show back to
where I left off.

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, Inc.
troy at tlccreative dot com
A Microsoft PowerPoint MVP



Im trying to use my powerpoint presentation as an interactive simulator of a
computer screen, with interactive buttons which would be assigned to keys on
the keyboard. I need the presentation to advance to a predetermine slide if a
button is not pressed with in a assigned time frame and also to get it to
advance to a selected slide if it is pressed. I have only been able to get it
to advance to the next or previous slides.

I also want to take it a step further by interacting with the presentation
via a joystick.

I need the presentation to run independently once started.

Can any of this be achieved with another program? Ive tried flash but the
converted jpegs are not as good quality as in powerpoint. (some small text)

I can not get the Shortcut Manager for PowerPoint to shortcut to an action
button once in presentation mode.

Austin Myers

Honestly, that is a very tall order for a presentaiton program. PowerPoint
has no such capability natively and would require a good deal of coding to
build a macro / add in to do it. How are you with VBA?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions

Troy @ TLC Creative

My opinion, but PowerPoint is not the tool for this project. I think going
with Flash or Director is more in line with the capabilities you need. Or
look into multimedia builder, which has a large online community willing to
help someone develop interactive features. As for images in Flash, what was
the original canvas size assigned to the project and the what size were the
images used? Quality should not be an issue in Flash if you start with a
large workspace and import images that match the size (depending on what
version of Flash was being used, the default could have been in the 340x255
very small range).

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, Inc.
troy at tlccreative dot com
A Microsoft PowerPoint MVP


Thanks for the replies, my knowledge of VBA is nonexistent. What would be the
best program to convert the images for flash for the best quality? Ive tried
a few free programs but the image quality is poor, would one of the above
programs be easier to use than flash.
Thanks simmo

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