Antispyware not Updating



What's the latest version? Sometimes my computer says
that I need to update MSAS, but when I go to do it, it
does not. I then manually run the updater, and it says I
have the most recent signature, but I have 5727. I have a
limited account, (if that's important). Thank you.

Jan Il

Hi "S"
What's the latest version? Sometimes my computer says
that I need to update MSAS, but when I go to do it, it
does not. I then manually run the updater, and it says I
have the most recent signature, but I have 5727. I have a
limited account, (if that's important). Thank you.

There is a new build, 614 available for download now at their website.
However, my download this morning shows the definitions are still 5727.
There does not appear to be any new def's with the 613 yesterday, or the new
614 builds. I downloaded the file to the HD and did an over the top

Hope this helps :)

Jan :)
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Ron Chamberlin

Defs are now up to 5729. ..within the past hour that is.

Ron Chamberlin

Jan Il

Hi Ron :)


Thanks for the update.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Ron Chamberlin

Hi Jan.
Your welcome.

Ron Chamberlin

Jan Il said:
Hi Ron :)


Thanks for the update.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

keith is here

I was having the 614 file update fail for the ~6th time.
I wrote the error onto this newsgroup. They were
suggesting to dowload the files and do a manual update.
I did as they suggested and it still stayed at 1.0.613
and failed to update. A reboot and it still showed 613.
I uninstalled MSAS. I had to manually remove the
directory as it was left in place. A reboot then a new
download from microsoft of the full beta.

Now it showed as 1.0.614. A check for updates moved the
file definitions from XX27 to XX31. Now the program says
it is up to date. Time will tell if they still have
problems with their update engine.

Keith is here

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