Annoying problem


Frank Martin

In Access2003 my "Recently-Used-File-List"
keeps disappearing (I have it set for 9 last
items) on startup.

It happens in Word2003 too.

Also the "Open file" dialogue box loses its
Recent List too.

Please help, Frank

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Don't clear your "recently used items" list during cleanup operations on
your computer. This is one of the "maintenance" things you can do in Windows
Explorer.....and it clears out the lists. Often this is done by users when
deleting temp files, doing disk cleanup, etc.

Also, many commercial softwares, often built into anti-virus packages, will
"clean up" your computer's files for you; and they will also clean out these

Frank Martin

Thanks, I do a lot of cleaning up, so are
these desired paths kept in some area that
can be protected eg a file?

Regards Frank

"Ken Snell (MVP)"

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

I don't have enough knowledge about Windows and how it handles such things,
so I cannot say. You likely can get a better answer if you post your
question in one of the windows newsgroups, where more expertise will be
available < g >.

Douglas J. Steele

The Access 2003 MRU list is stored in the Registry under

The file names are keys MRUn, such as MRU1, MRU2 and so on.

There are also keys MRUFlagsn, but to be honest, I don't know what they're

I'm not sure where Word stores its list. I would have expected it to be in a
similar location in the Registry, but it doesn't appear to. implies that it
should be stored in C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Word.pip,
but I don't even have an Application Data subfolder under Windows. I did
find a Word11.pip file under Application Data\Microsoft\Office in my
profile, but its contents appear to be encrypted. You might try asking in a
Word newsgroup.

Frank Martin

I my have found the reason. It happens whenI
run the "Adaware SE Personal" checker, and I
will test further to confirm.

"Ken Snell (MVP)"

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