Annoying autocomplete popups



Well, It's been a while and everything was going great. I changed over
to DSL and unfortunately my windows 98SE was not allowing me to take
full advantage of the 1.5 mbps. So, now I have wiped the hard drive and
done a full install of windows XP with SP2. My speed was at 367 kbps
when my sons were downloading. Back up to 1460 now. Better drivers for
my network card.
Now, I redid the registry to stop the annoying little autocomplete
popups, but it is not working. What the heck. Just likes to drive me
insane. This XP totally and unbelievably sucks. I can't use my
scanner anymore. END OF LIFE crap. No drivers for XP. I can't use my
NETMOS card anymore. No drivers for XP. Computer keeps freezing. And
now, the regedit fix for IE6 to stop the autocomplete popups is not
working. I don't understand why. It's still IE6. Anybody still out
there who may help??? If I didn't need the DSL speed, I would go back
to 98SE in the drop of a hat.
Thanks for letting me vent. Hope someone can help.


Jon Kennedy

I feel your frustration at having older hardware running newer software.
Sounds like a new computer for your birthday/anniversary/etc. is in order.

What autocomplete "pop-ups" are you talking about? If they are ones that
occur when you are filling in text fields you can turn them off by checking
the appropriate boxes in IE at Tools...Internet Options...Content tab,
Autocomplete button. If for web addresses, there's the box there, and
another one on the Advanced tab, Browsing section "Use inline Autocomplete".
Click Apply, Click Okay on both tabs after making changes.


I went to internet options, content, autocomplete, and unchecked every
box. I also do not have a check under the advanced tab that says use
inline autocomplete. I went into the regedit and created a new key
under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet
Explorer\Control Panel
And then added a DWORD named FormSuggest and entered a data value of 1.
This is supposed to stop the annoying little popups that ask me every
time I type something if I would like Autocomplete to fill in the form
for me. If I wanted the autocomplete to fill the form in for me, I
wouldn't have unchecked every single box I could find and tell it not
to. I have to say that I did combine the words internetexplorer and
controlpanel together. I have now gone back in the registry and
seperated them and so I am going to see if that does the trick. If it
does, I will let you know. Thanks for the answer.



So, I guess it did the trick. No more annoying little popups. In case
anyone cares.


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