ANN: FAQ Update for 1/26/04

  • Thread starter Geoff Schwab [MSFT]
  • Start date

Geoff Schwab [MSFT]


The .NET Compact Framework FAQ has undergone the following updates:

Updated for SP2:

1.8. What is new in the latest .NET Compact Framework Service Pack?


1.31. How do I include imgdecmp.dll in an emulator image?
1.32. How do I programmatically replace Assemblies in the Global Assembly
Cache (GAC)?

2.9. Why can't I load an image?

6.19. How do I disable and capture hardware buttons?
6.20. How do I hide the start icon?
6.21. How do I enumerate, create, and terminate processes?

8.9. When using blocking Sockets, why does Send throw an
InvalidOperationException when blocking is set to false?

12.5. How do I set the title of a fullscreen multiline edit control window?

Geoff Schwab
Program Manager
Excell Data Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Chris Tacke, eMVP

You're making us at OpenNETCF work! We can't provide answers for the simple
stuff any more. :)



1.30. What is the footprint of the .NET Compact Framework?

Why is the 2003 footprint 1.35M, but the 2002 footprint is 1.55M?

A 13% reduction is pretty significant - just curious...


Chris Tacke, eMVP

My guess (and it's just a guess) is that they're talking the ARM4I or T,
which enables some 16-bit instructions for the processor. This often
results in a decent code size reduction without changing anything else.


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