Animated Gifs



Does anyone know why my home computer would not show animated gifs on web
pages. It shows the gif but, they are just still. I was thinking it my be
some kind of setting or security setting. Thanks

Jan Il

Hi kks :)

You do not mention the version of Windows you are using, but, try the
following and see if it helps:


Safely Delete the Temporary Internet Files


IE>Internet Options>Advanced tab>Multimedia section>"Play animations in web
pages">Apply>OK out.

and ......

Why don't my animated gifs animate?
Take note of the mention of firewalls like @Guard as others like Zone
Alarm Pro and NIS may also have a disable option.

Zone Alarm Pro can prevent animation from working. If you have it installed
open the programme, go to the Privacy Tab and click on the custom button and
be sure that the option to block animation is turned to OFF.


Make sure your .gifs are associated to Internet Explorer. Click on a .gif in
windows explorer, IE should open to display it. :

Try Doug Knox's script utility:


Go to Start>Run and type in the window:
regsvr32.exe /i shdocvw.dll (all versions of IE) ... and then
regsvr32.exe /i shdoc401.dll (IE5 upwards)

If using WindowsME the command is:

regsvr32.exe /i thumbvw.dll

You should soon see a *succeeded* dialogue box after each command.
Click ok, and then reboot

Also, disable any 3rd party ad or popup blockers that may be blocking the

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Internet Explorer
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that's why they're so contagious.

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Does anyone know why my home computer would not show animated
gifs on web
pages. It shows the gif but, they are just still. I was
thinking it my be
some kind of setting or security setting. Thanks

Yes, any security type software (Zone Alaram, Norton... etc) may have
disabled gif animation, you should look though the options of any
software you have like this and check them.

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