AND statements in a SUMIF (or a lookup)



I am trying to create a SUMIF (or a LOOKUP) which evaluates more than one
criteria by including an AND statement, but cannot get this to work.

I have tried the below formulas without success.



Any suggestions? Is this possible?


Hi Matt

what are you trying to do as the formulas at the moment don't make much
sense to me
with a SUMIF the parameters are
=SUMIF(range to check for the criteria, criteria, range to sum)
as far as i know the range to check for the criteria needs to be a single
column not a matrix and the criteria needs to be able to be evaluated (e.g.
A20=5 or L2="cat")

with VLOOKUP you can only lookup one thing, because it must be in the left
most column of the table - you can concatenate two cells into a lookup value
=VLOOKUP(A20 & " " & L2,B1:M500,5,0)
if column B had something like (using my 1st example "5 cat" as an entry)

Additionally, your criteria range is in your lookup range...which won't
work. So if you'ld like to type out a sample of your data and explain what
you're trying to achieve (please don't attach a workbook) - we might be able
to advise a suitable solution.


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