Ancient History?? Looking for best 2xAGP vidcard for an old K6/MVP3 system (WTB possible)


R. Asby Dragon

Yup; I know "why bother"; but ....

(email reply is "ub*underscore*never" with the squirrely thingy
between"yahoo dot com", no quotes or stars)

It's still my prime machine; the o/c'ed "gamerbox" Barton K7N2L
with the 9700Pro and the goodies is great-- but I still go back to
this one for most real work .

Specs on this box:
Epox MVP3G2C w/1mb L2 (L3 with the K6/III +);
2X AGP at 3.3 volts.
512 mb PC100 SDRAM
K6/III-450+ at 5x112 at 1.8vcc
W98SE; current VIA 4in1 pack etc.

It's rock-solid with this minor overclock (remember it's a {+}
laptop K6 !), the limit is the 2940 SCSI card. The Epox has the
"good AGP power",

Present vidcard is an ATI RagePro 128 w/16 megs. I'd like to bump it
up to 'best bang for buck" . I'd like to go with at least 64 megs
for some gaming; but I know I'm not going to do HL2 on this beast
<g> .

I've had a 32m TNT2 Ultra in this machine once; looked great but
the hasslefactor of getting a TNT2 to work on a VIA MVP board is not
nice, and it gets worse when you try to update drivers. When it
worked; it would run Serious Sam but not at max!

I've been away from the "vidcard wars" for a while; missed a lot of
the info .

I've been googling both the web and newsgroups; looks like it's
possible to go up to a decent low(now) end card in either ATI or
NVidia flavors. I just have to make sure the card's 2X/3.3 volt.

ATI--looks like I can go up to a 2x/4x rated version of the 9200 or
lower version.
Nvidia -- Same ; possibly up to a TI 4600 or lower.

Anybody have any "good history" on similar vidcards on an MVP3 mobo

I'm also interested in buying; if you've got one sitting around..


R. Asby Dragon said:
Yup; I know "why bother"; but ....

(email reply is "ub*underscore*never" with the squirrely thingy
between"yahoo dot com", no quotes or stars)

It's still my prime machine; the o/c'ed "gamerbox" Barton K7N2L
with the 9700Pro and the goodies is great-- but I still go back to
this one for most real work .

Specs on this box:
Epox MVP3G2C w/1mb L2 (L3 with the K6/III +);
2X AGP at 3.3 volts.
512 mb PC100 SDRAM
K6/III-450+ at 5x112 at 1.8vcc
W98SE; current VIA 4in1 pack etc.

It's rock-solid with this minor overclock (remember it's a {+}
laptop K6 !), the limit is the 2940 SCSI card. The Epox has the
"good AGP power",

Present vidcard is an ATI RagePro 128 w/16 megs. I'd like to bump it
up to 'best bang for buck" . I'd like to go with at least 64 megs
for some gaming; but I know I'm not going to do HL2 on this beast
<g> .

I've had a 32m TNT2 Ultra in this machine once; looked great but
the hasslefactor of getting a TNT2 to work on a VIA MVP board is not
nice, and it gets worse when you try to update drivers. When it
worked; it would run Serious Sam but not at max!

I've been away from the "vidcard wars" for a while; missed a lot of
the info .

I've been googling both the web and newsgroups; looks like it's
possible to go up to a decent low(now) end card in either ATI or
NVidia flavors. I just have to make sure the card's 2X/3.3 volt.

ATI--looks like I can go up to a 2x/4x rated version of the 9200 or
lower version.
Nvidia -- Same ; possibly up to a TI 4600 or lower.

Anybody have any "good history" on similar vidcards on an MVP3 mobo

I'm also interested in buying; if you've got one sitting around..

A gf2 ultra sound like your cuppa tea, or a gf4mx440

look on ebay



Yup; I know "why bother"; but ....

(email reply is "ub*underscore*never" with the squirrely thingy
between"yahoo dot com", no quotes or stars)

It's still my prime machine; the o/c'ed "gamerbox" Barton K7N2L
with the 9700Pro and the goodies is great-- but I still go back to
this one for most real work .

Specs on this box:
Epox MVP3G2C w/1mb L2 (L3 with the K6/III +);
2X AGP at 3.3 volts.
512 mb PC100 SDRAM
K6/III-450+ at 5x112 at 1.8vcc
W98SE; current VIA 4in1 pack etc.

Why bother...?


Apart from "why bother?", I'd suggest either Radeon7500 OR Gf2pro/ultra.
Both with 64megs. Go with the cheapest you find of them.

Don't think about ti4200. With this cpu, you won't use the power of gf4,
heck you'd be lucky to even fully use power of gf2 ultra or r7500.


I chucked a old Gforce 2 MX400 in a mates PII 350 and it runs quake 3 not
too badly at all. I dunno if going to an ultra gf2 is going to help you any
with such a low processor.

For him , it was worth bothering about. The card was collecting dust in my
box of bits , and now he has some 3d acceleration to play a fair few games
that are old and cheap to buy.



For a cheap performance upgrade.
Get a used Abit KT7, you can use your current PC100 memory
and a CPU up to 1.4ghz

R. Asby Dragon

I'm not adverse to replying to my own posts; here's one.

I've read all the relevant replies on Usenet; did a bunch more
googling ; got some personal replies, also went on "local scrounge"

After wading thru the ATI vs NVIDIA rants; the "why bother"
mendicants; and the "real honest" replies (and I appreciate those) ;
I went Ebaying and found some deals.

1) Radeon 7500 64meg DDR for $33; on the way now
2) Radeon 9000 128meg DDR for $43 - pending

Personal offers-- lots of GF3 440MX's-- even one supposedly 128
megs; an 8500 AIW with tuner probs for free; even a dual Gproc
Voodo 5 .

I even found a Radeon 7000 64meg SDR AGP in my 'pile o'crap' that
I'd forgotten ...

It all boils down to "making the best of what you have"; I'm not
just doing my own machines-- I'm doing "Free IT" for friends and
family spreading from 486s to high-end boxes . I'm juggling parts
all the time; "A" wants a new vidcard as in ATI 9800 range; I'll
find "A" a deal; move his old vidcard to someone else "B" -- I think
you understand.

In my case with the K6/III-(+) ; it's like "old hot rods" ; I did
that. I've done the old '59a' Flathead Ford V8; early small-block
Chevys; 63 1/2 Ford Galaxy H/T with a "medium riser" 427 ; et al.
I'll keep it running as long as "it does what I want it to do"


I'd look for the last generation of 3dfx cards, like a 5500...especially if
you do any OpenGL stuff. Just make sure it will fit in your case :)


Yeah, but those cards have driver issues, not to mension lack of support. I
visited 3dfx.products.voodoo5, a couple of days ago, and what a sad sight.
Nothing but spam and a few lonely posts. That board used to be full of
usefull posts a few years ago.

So my point is: Get a card that has good support/drivers. I think for
450+cpu, a radeon7000 or GF2 class (not mx)card is more than enough. Even if
cpu is oc'ed, it should hold up.


So anyone want to suggest what CHEAP video card I should put in my system?

Asus P5A-B MB (I believe that means AGP 1X only)
K6-2 500 MHz
640 MB RAM

Plus the usual sound, HD, CD/RW, etc

PS it's now running a PCI Genoa Phantom (I know, I know but it was free)


Cheap should be pretty obvious by now. Gf2, mx440 or Radeon7or8 series, used
ofcourse. Altough they're a bit fast for ya cpu, but in anyway should be
MOST sufficient.