am i missing something



Is there a reason everyone who has had a probblem with
this Blaster virus has started a new thread?

As there are already more than enough threads about it,
why aren't people just reading those rather than strating
new threads?

Or am I missing something?

Iain :confused:


-----Original Message-----
Is this considered "Spam"?

more than likely. but it is ridiculous. is it a monty
python sketch?

if people have this problem, and look on here, don't they
see all the existing posts? and if they do, don't they
read them?

it just baffles me, thats all.



I fully agree with you !

All these people:
-cannot read
-are lazy like hell
-are trying to overload this news-group on purpose.

I am sure that they will find the answer to their (same) question if we give
them the opportunity to search for themselves .................
SO STOP ANSWERING THEIR QUESTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben W

Maybe part of the worm is to send a variated versions of the same question
to this newsgroup?

MindU, I think most questions asked here can be answered with a little
research.. Although this case is still phenominal. Enjoy the ride while it

- long time reader, few times writer


-----Original Message-----
I fully agree with you !

All these people:
-cannot read
-are lazy like hell
-are trying to overload this news-group on purpose.

I am sure that they will find the answer to their (same) question if we give
them the opportunity to search for themselves .................
QUESTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

William Clay

While some of the posters are probably just being lazy, I think you
would find that a lot of them are folks who are in a panic and have
little or no previous experience with newsgroups. In the social circles
in which I move I am considered a computer expert, so get asked for a
lot of advice. I can tell you that the vast majority of the people I
know do not use newsgroups.

If someone like this comes into a group like this for the first time
looking for help and gets a couple hundred thousand message headers
downloaded, I doubt their first thought is going to be "I'd better read
these first". I know it can be frustrating seeing the same question
over and over again, but I do feel some sympathy for folks like those
described above.

I'd also point out that each of these repeat questions almost always
generates multiple responses. So, if it is message volume you are
looking to reduce, maybe one or two group members could volunteer to be
the official responders for each of the real FAQs.

-- Bill

Ken Blake

iain said:
Is there a reason everyone who has had a probblem with
this Blaster virus has started a new thread?

As there are already more than enough threads about it,
why aren't people just reading those rather than strating
new threads?

Or am I missing something?

Yes, you're missing something.

The great majority of the people who have gotten hit with MSBlast
and are asking about what to are *not* regular participants in
this newsgroup. Probably in many instances they have never sent a
message to a newsgroup before. They are people with a serious
problem, who don't know what to do, and they are often in a state
of near panic.

So they want to ask their question and get help as quickly as
possible. Most of them probably don't know they can search for an
existing thread about their problem. Even if they do know, with
MSBlast running, they may not be able to keep their system
running long enough to do a search.

If you want to help them and are able to, that's fine--please do
so. If you don't want to help, then don't. Filter out all
messages with "64," "RPC," or "MSBlast" in the subject line if
you want. But there's no reason to complain about some poor guy
in trouble, who needs help, just because he doesn't have the
computer skills, and newsgroup experience that you may have.

William Clay


Hear, hear! Just what I was trying to say, but I think you did it better.

-- Bill


ok you guys - fair enough.

I'm just surprised that people have taken the time to find
the newsgroup, but not to actually have a quick browse -
quicker than posting I would have thought?

No offence intended.

Iain :)


Yes, I am one of those who has never been on a newsgroup, I also have anti
virus and firewalls etc and adaware, I don't automatically up date becasue
of problems I have had before. (even though I did think I had d/l the
lastest up date). So thats the exact senario, once I got the worm, and it
gave me about 2 minutes or less every time I got to the net, it was panic
stations, in microsoft the d/l was taking longer than the worm would allow,
then I saw the newsgroup info. This then took me about 3 shutdowns to just
get to load it on etc, and then it was type as bloody fast as I could to
post the message and come back again after then next 2 shutdowns. I know how
boring and possibly annoying it must be for regular users of this site to
see entry (are they called threads?) after entry about "please help" or
"PLEASE HELP". But it is a case of get something on as quick as possible in
the 1 and a half minutes that the virus allowed.

Many Thanks to those with patience and thoughfullness to understand.


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