Always show System Tray Notification doesn't work



In Windows XP SP1, I have a calendar program that has the option to show the
date in the notification/system task bar tray. It is PopUp Calendar from It is handy to see the date in the tray. It has
options to hide the day of the week, i.e. Mon, Tu, etc. and the month. I
like both showing to check the date. In windows 2000 at work the options are
fine, and are set by the program. In WinXp I have to right click the tray
and Customize Notifications on each boot up and click always show. The
program has the show set, but WinXP over rides it.

Tried the disable SSDP and uPNP Services, log off and on, leave until it
takes effect tips. It still does not keep the setting. It is a pain to have
to fix each time I turn on my computer. Please help!!


try right click on Start, select Properties, then Task bar , near the bottom make sure the Hide Inactive Icons is unchecked.

(e-mail address removed)

In Windows XP SP1, I have a calendar program that has the option to show the
date in the notification/system task bar tray. It is PopUp Calendar from It is handy to see the date in the tray. It has
options to hide the day of the week, i.e. Mon, Tu, etc. and the month. I
like both showing to check the date. In windows 2000 at work the options are
fine, and are set by the program. In WinXp I have to right click the tray
and Customize Notifications on each boot up and click always show. The
program has the show set, but WinXP over rides it.

Tried the disable SSDP and uPNP Services, log off and on, leave until it
takes effect tips. It still does not keep the setting. It is a pain to have
to fix each time I turn on my computer. Please help!!

PA Bear

Have you confirmed that PopUp Calendar is supported in WinXP SP1?

Has the application ever worked in WinXP SP1? Have you tried
uninstalling/reinstalling it?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

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