Alpha Buttons



Ive just looked at the Northwind Sample Databse and seen that on the
Customers Phone List form there are Tabs all the way along the bottom for the
alphabet and if you click on A you get A names if you click B you get B names

This would be useful for my database and I was just wondering how do I set
this up?


Douglas J. Steele

Those 27 toggle buttons are inside an option group named CompanyNamesFilter.
The AfterUpdate event of that option group calls the macro Customer Phone
List. There are better ways to do it than using a macro!


I still cant do it!!!!
Ive never done a macro before or used an Option Group!

What are the other better ways please?

Douglas J. Steele

Realistically, the option group makes sense. Use the wizard to help you
create it, or simply copy from Northwind and paste on your form (make sure
you copy everything from the Form Footer section, not just the buttons).

If you're not familiar with Macros, then I'm not sure I'd be helping you by
suggesting VBA code to use in its place.

Look in the macro, and see the 26 rows with ApplyFilter as the action.
You'll have to go into each of those and look at the details that appear at
the bottom when you select each one. You should see something like
[CompanyName] Like "[AÀÁÂÃÄ]*", [CompanyName] Like "B*" and so on. Change
[CompanyName] on each one to whatever the field you're trying to filter is
named. Then, find the entry with GoToControl as the action, and change the
Control Name to something appropriate.

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