Allowing external access to your corporate Live Communications Server



I am currently running a LCS 2003 server in a Windows 2000 domain with
approximately 20 users enabled for IM. Our main goal is to allow
clients of our company to download our customized Windows Messenger
5.0 package, and be able to connect to our corporate Live Comm server
without actually residing on our network. I am guessing this would
involve a sort of front-end/back-end LCS topology?? Hopefully this
makes sense to someone, however I can find no documentation on it
whatsoever, even to the point of whether its possible or not. If
anyone has any suggesstions or solutions, they would be much


from what i have read you may just need an external DNS
record for and then allow port traffic
from outside into that server (port 5060 if using tcp).
your also going to need to create a srv record for outside
users to so they can find the SIP service running on - but like you said before no
documentation... it's still early in development.

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