"All Programs" wont open



I have several different accounts on this machine. On just one of the
accounts (limited user) when I click on start>all programs the "all programs"
menu will not open at all. This just started happening. The "all programs"
menu opens properly for all the other accounts. When I switch the problem
account from XP view to Classic view the "Programs" menu does open to all the
programs. When I switch the view back to the XP version the "All Programs"
still does not work. I tried running the AV on the Documents and Settings
folder for that user profile and it comes back negative. Virtually all the
listings for the "All Programs" come from the all users folder and, again,
everything works fine for all other accounts. A reboot has not solved the
problem. Any suggestions? (Sounds like registry problem?) This is a wierd
one. Have not found any similar complaints at this site. Any MVPs around?


I solved the problem with two fixes to the registry. (I have reason to
believe that at least one of the screwed up entries was caused by MS
Anti-Spyware Beta!) The "Start Menu" value was blank in the Shell Folders key
and was changed to the name of a different user account in the User Shell
Folders Key. I'll bet my bottom dollar it was the MS Anti-Spyware that
created the latter problem, and very likely the former, too. It is not very
compatible with multi-user machines and should be nominated for the 2005
Pain-in-the A** Award. Thanks to S. Sengupta for a message to a slightly
different problem posted to this group earlier that led me to look into these
keys. Anyone who cannot figure out precisely which keys I am referring to
should post to this thread and I'll give a more detailed description.


I am experiencing the same problem, I cannot open my All Programs from the
Start Menu and I do have installed the Microsoft Anti-Spyware program. I
only use one computer. What would be your suggestion, to uninstall the MS
program? Your assistance will be highly appreciated.


Hi Marta:

Sorry for the delay in responding. I just got around to checking this
thread. Before I provide any more details, please answer these two questions,
as your answers will determine how to proceed. First, do you know what the
registry is? Second, do you know how to operate regedit? You may respond to
me by email at dworkinmg2"at"msn(delete).com

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