All new VS2003 projects result in 404 errors



Just installed VS2003 and tried a hello world app. Getting 404 error even
when I explictly specify the start page in the url.

In IIS Mgr (v 5.1), App has .aspx mapped to

The file in question IS in the virtual directory and this is the inetmgr log
file entry that occurs when my browser requests the page: 19:42:27
GET /UP1/WebForm1.aspx 404

If I put a test HTML file (Default.htm) into the virtual directory and bring
up http://localhost/UP1 in my browser, I get the test page OK.

Interestingly, an app that I installed BEFORE installing VS2003 works. I
compared its properties to new apps generated by VS2003 and only difference I
see is that the new apps have the "Local Path" box in the Directory tab
greyed out. The old app has an absolute pathname

Important info. I HAD VS2005 Beta2 installed. I uninstalled it before
installing VS2003. Wonder if I broke something.

Also, another symptom is that debugger won't start. Says I need to "verify
that ASP.NET is correctly installed" (it is and wp_aspnet.exe is running as I
speak) or that "ATL Server is correctly installed" (not sure how to test


Thanks but no luck. I had done that anyways (-c and -i from within my
1.1.4322 directory). I tried again and this time removed ASP.NET and scripts
from all apps and then reinstalled. No luck.

However, I did run into something interesting. When I do a aspnet_regiis -k
<dir> on a <dir> for a newly created and built "Hello World" app (VS2003 app with a single Label on start page), I get an error message saying
it is a valid App:

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322>aspnet_regiis -k
Start removing any version of ASP.NET DLL recursively at
Installation stopped because the specified path
on2) is not a valid web application.



Have you tried the "-ir" option?

Also if you right click on "Web Sites" in IIS, what's the ISAPI Filters? It
should be ASP.NET_1.1.4322.2300.

Have you checked the web services logs? They should be in

One last thing I can think of is to manually configure the sites.

ex: aspnet_regiis -s W3SVC/1/ROOT/yourwebappfolder

There's a .NET application someone wrote that will do this for you ... but I
can't find the link right now ...


Nope. Didn't try -ir but I just uninstalled and reinstalled .net 1.1 and
everything works now.

But thanks for the tips on aspnet_regiis. I will surely need them at some
point in the future.



"-ir" reinstalls ASP.NET and registers it with IIS. I had the same problem
with the errors you were seeing and it ended up being ASP.NET not being
installed right.



Kevin Schlegelmilch said:
"-ir" reinstalls ASP.NET and registers it with IIS. I had the same problem
with the errors you were seeing and it ended up being ASP.NET not being
installed right.

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